
Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Acts 12v5 says;

“Peter was therefore kept in prison, but the constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church” 

The early verse of Acts 12 records that Herod earlier apprehended James which he killed assuming or seeing that it pleased his people because there was no opposition to his act. He therefore thought it wise to go another step further to apprehend Peter which he did, thinking he will succeed eliminating him again but the Church woke-up to their responsibility and prayed to God on his behalf. The early church would have fizzled out if they have kept mute.

Friends you will agree with me that the place of prayers by the church for all our brethren in the household of God cannot be over emphasized because if they had engage this same fervent prayer when James was arrested, he wouldn’t have been killed. Please just go ahead and pray for the body of Christ and her leaders.

The church today needs to rise up to this very critical responsibility to save many from the jaws of this fake lion (the devil). The prayer of the called out caught Gods’ attention and He sent an Angel to go and release that man. That is why I am confidently saying that as many that are imprisoned, be released in JESUS NAME, AMEN!

Monday, 29 April 2013


Acts 12v4 paraphrased says;

“…and delivered him to four quaternion of soldiers to keep him…” 

Did you hear that? Friends I want you to understand the position of the end time church in terms of strength. The devil understands that we are very powerful and we can do and undo; little wonder they came to pick our Lord Jesus with a battalion of soldier and the gentile Man said why do you come to me as unto a robber, I have always been with you but you didn’t lay hold on Me, Luke 22v52&53. They had to come in the night and also with a battalion because they (the enemies) knew what He was capable of doing. In fact John 18v4-6 record that when Jesus asked His captors “whom seek ye?” they went backward and fell to the ground. Hence we are who He was on earth.

Friends Acts 12v4 reveals that Peter was kept between four squads of soldier; note that one quaternion is a group of soldier and he was kept between four of such; just one man. Though not just a man but a strong man; you are a strong man but the devil takes advantage of your ignorance to afflict you, just Know it and you are free, John 8v32.

Conclusively Psalms 82v6 says that you are gods and that we are the children of the Most High God. In other words by adoption through salvation we are whatever God is in Heaven here on earth. May you receive the light required to know it in JESUS NAME, AMEN!  

Sunday, 28 April 2013


Now 2Timothy 2v16-17 paraphrased says;

“…That the man of God may be perfect and thoroughly furnished…”

Also Romans 15v4 says;

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we may through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope”

One of the big mistakes people make today is their conclusion of who a man of God is. Many think it is only Pastors, Evangelists, Apostles, Teachers and Prophets etc that are men of God. Yes you might be right but I will like to add that every child of GOD has a measure of grace resting on him or her just the same way it is for those “men of God”.

However, our opening scripture tell us that scriptures were compiled for the perfection and furnishing of the man of God while Romans 15v4 says that all that are written (scriptures) were written for our (everyone) learning. Who then is a man of God?

Those listed above are our fathers in the Lord, just like Elijah was to Elisha or tell me, what was Elisha called while his master lived? A servant, until his father left he wasn’t endued with that title. The servant boy now became a father to Gehazi.

Moreover, I want to establish that the son today is entitled to the things of the father as soon as he is grown up, Galatians 4v1-7. So, all you need to do is just grow up; you are becoming a father to somebody somehow somewhere in JESUS NAME, AMEN!

Apostle Peter will be our case study; I will want you to be very sensitive to the move of the Holy Spirit as you read through and I am sure you will never recover from your encounter through this unraveled mystery just as you know that every blessing of redemption is packaged in mysteries which requires to be unraveled, leaving you with what to do. That is exactly what I will be doing here by the special grace of God and through the help of the Holy Spirit.

I will be teaching largely based on Apostle Peter’s experience when he was arrested by King Herod in Acts 12. I will also be revealing to you what each article, phrase or person connotes in this present time.

This man was a moving sign and wonder crossing over the places and displaying the Lord Jesus’ splendor. Acts 12v4 says;

“So when he had arrested him, he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people after Passover”

You will agree with me that Herod in this context stands for the devil that will do all within his power to stop you (God’s children) from reaching your destinies and fulfilling purpose; his intention is to kill you before you shine, John 10v10. The bible says that he arrested him and put him in prison; however Luke 12v29 says how can you plunder a strong mans’ house except you first bind him? I will like for you to know that Peter (God’s child) in this context is a strong man according to Luke 10v19 and the devil knowing the scripture applied the strong man binding principle but thank God for prayer being made on Peter's behalf.

Hence whatever affects Peter affects you. In other words, you are vulnerable to the same attack. Friends I will like for you know that the worst thing that can ever happen to a strong man is to be bound and put in prison. You can ask Samson in Judges 16v21. Nobody sees his strength in the prison; that’s why the devil arrested this strong man of God thinking he wouldn’t be opportune to preach in the prison and he is still doing the same today.

Friends I will like for you to be very sensitive at this point in time because many are perishing today for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4v6. They have been imprisoned away from the acquisition of quality knowledge of their kingdom heritage. The mystery here is for you to know if you have access to fulfilling your divine purpose. The truth is that if a tenth of the world will know their status of freedom, the world will be turned upside down; if a hundred and twenty disciples could turn their world upside down then a tenth of the world will do great exploits; for those that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploit but many have been imprisoned even without their knowing. This accounts for why many ministries today are crawling; I decree in that Name that is above every other Name that you be released from every form of imprisonment that might have held you down up till now, hindering you from fulfilling your purpose by virtue of this unraveled mystery in Jesus Name, Amen!

You must be aware that the devil is interested in your imprisonment so that you will not be able to live as a sign and wonder to your world as it ought to be.

Saturday, 27 April 2013


No man was born perfect! Every man was born with a "fallen short" nature according to Rom 3v23 because of sin.

However, all glory be to God for sending His son Jesus to redeem and reinstate us by His death and resurrection according 1Peter 2v9 and John 10v10b. He came that we may have "life" in all its ramification and not just breath in our nostrils because we already had that.

Hence, one person who was treated with the grace therapy is Apostle Paul, Acts 9v1-18. He was once a persecutor of Jesus but what did grace do to him?

1. Grace gave him a new, better and profitable direction of life

2. Grace seized him from the hands of death

3. Grace restored his sight

4. Grace kept him away from disgrace

5. Grace made him write two-third of the new testament

6. Grace used him on several occasions to wrath several miracles including raising the dead

Finally, grace gave him the testimony we preach today, that "But for the grace of God I am what I am" 1Cor 15v10a. For you to be reading piece is a surety that you already have a measure of this grace running in your life; simply pray that you never run dry of this grace. However, if you are not yet born-again, you are in a danger zone Grace is also a consuming fire.

Prayer Point
Father, let me never run dry of Your grace.
Get saved now!

Friday, 26 April 2013


"For I am the LORD, I change not: therefore ye sons of Jacob  are not consumed" Malachi 3v6.

As I waited on the LORD yesterday and took time off to meditate as well as plead my case the Holy Spirit filtered into my heart how much I must be endlessly grateful to Him.

He said to me "Despite all the odds, ups and downs, boisterous water, even fire you seem to have gone through, you are still standing. Courtesy My Grace".

Just as I set out to make a post He replayed the above and our opening text as a back-up for YOU! Praise God.

For as long as you still have the word of God coming to you like this, it simply means you are still within His coverage. God wants you to thank Him henceforth until you forget when last you asked Him to give you anything. As you thank Him, your unvoiced desires will sort themselves. This is the secret of;

1. Ever being in God's presence because David said to enter His presence with thanksgiving

2. Your needs ever being met with little or no input from you: effortlessly.

Friends, you are alive today in whatever state because God never changes. Start thanking God now and see things take shape around you.

Prayer Point
Father thank You so much, despite all odds I am still standing. Courtesy, Your grace!
Good day.

Thursday, 25 April 2013


Isaiah 9v6-7 says: for a child is born to us,a son is given. The government will rest on his shoulders...

Children are born but sons are given. Children of God are sons by reason of acceptance of the gift of salvation, John 1v12. Those who are born again are new born kings according to Revelation 1v6. Why are these new born kings being sort? Because they:

1. Shoulder the government
2. Are wonder-full
3. Are Counselors you can count on for advice
4. Are mighty gods being God's offspring
5. Are Princes of Peace
6. Rule in fairness and justice
7. Are passionate about God their Father

Just to mention a few of why these new born kings are sort earnestly. Ezekiel 22v30 says they are needed to stand in the gap for others and also to build the walls of righteousness. Moreso, Romans 8v19 says that all creation awaits their manifestation.

Conclusively, are you born again? Then you are the new born king  being sort by God to ease the world of her stress and hardship,so make yourself available for his service, winning others into the kingdom that has been committed to your care that you may occupy effectively till his return.


Wednesday, 24 April 2013


"...Lord save me" Apostle Peter exclaimed when he began to sink on sighting the boisterousness of the sea he was walking on, Matthew 14v30b.

Many a Christian today are suffering in silence. However, I am sent to a number of you who are sinking already as a result of the boisterousness of your situation and circumstances, you have bills due for payment, your marriage is hurting, child or children are wayward  etc. Just like Peter did: there was no time to pray but there was enough time to say three words "LORD SAVE ME" and scripture says; IMMEDIATELY Jesus stretched forth His hand and rescued him, not until then. This by Rhema gives me an assurance of a less than 24hrs miracle for whosoever will say "LORD SAVE ME".

Remember, many have died just like Peter would have save that he spoke out. Speak-out now and expect Jesus to save you now, not later because He wants you to Live and Live an abundantly life.


Good morning!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


Hebrew 4v2 points out that the word didn't profit many who heard it because their mixture was both incomplete and incorrect.

You will recollect according to the parable of the sower told by Jesus in Matthew 13 that the unproductivity of the seeds which fell by the road side, on stones and among thorns could only be traced to the subject of incorrect mixture.

Also in chemistry, when you don't get results as constantly expected you are adviced to go over the experiment again else you fail.

Now, our opening scripture tells us that the word didn't profit many because it wasn't mixed with faith in them. A few thoughts for you here:

1. The word is designed to profit once received

2. Faith is thought which in-turn is sending out magnetic signals to attract what the word says.

3. The word is potent without faith in other words, Jesus is handicapped concerning that case of yours without your faith even as small as a mustard seed

4. The word is preached to many but only a hand full profit from it while others loose hope.

Conclusively, I reveal to you a mystery. Now that you know the correct mixture that makes the word produce result. Begin to give thoughts(faith) to every word or prophecy you have ever received because they are still and will always be alive and I guarantee the delivery of their blessings. Just like the woman with the issue of blood, she gave thought(faith) to what she had heard about Jesus (the word) and she was made whole. Its your turn friend.

Congratulations and good morning!.

Monday, 22 April 2013


1Peter2v9 says;

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood an holy nation, a peculiar people: that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light"

I am not doubtful about your being familiar with the above scripture but let me help dig out a few thoughts that will boost your faith to the level of productivity. So many of you have being christians for donkey years yet nothing to show for it as it were and you are already giving up, wondering why things seem not to be working for you compared to others.

One critical way to know if you are still in line with the hope of glory, Col 1v27 is to check if you are among the chosen or the masses. Let's beam our light on the chosen:

Who are the chosen?

1. They are born-again christians saved by grace and not by self will, Ephesians 2v5

2. They are righteous, Rom 10v10

3. They go through lots of trials or challenges as you may know it but are delivered in all by God, Psalms 34v19

4. They fall several times but surely rise again, Prov 24v16

5. They are never forsaken: God will always come to their rescue, Psalms 37v25, Isaiah 43v2

6. Their lives are battle-filled-like initially but they end up on thrones: ask Joseph in Gen 39-41

7. They become epistles and testimonies to be read of the world

Conclusively, I am sent to tell you that you are set on the course that you must follow to your throne, you are not making a mistake and God is with you working on you to show forth His praise so, don't give up! Press on because you are almost at the end of the tunnel and your nights will be over soon, Psalm 30v5b.

Good morning.

Sunday, 21 April 2013


Contrary to the general definition of grace as an undeserved favor; Grace is a direct produce of a. proportional accumulation of the knowledge of God via His word, 2Peter 1v2. In other words, as you increase in the knowledge of God and Jesus via adhent meditation on scriptures Grace is given as a dividend. Increase in knowledge=Increase in grace.

However, when grace speaks seven major events takes place;

1. Disgrace takes to his heels, John 2v1-11

2. Stagnation disappears, Mark 2v12

3. Death is silenced, Mark 5v42

4. Peace takes the seat of storms, Mark 4v39

5. Issues are resolved, Matt 9v20-22

6. Fruitfulness un-sits futility and barrenness, Luke 5v6

7. Debts are paid off leaving more than enough to live on, 2Kings 4v1-7

These are just a few of the events that take place when Grace speaks anywhere and anytime. You will agree with me that many are in need because they don't know what they need. Grace is all you need, Hebrews 4v16! Ask now; Lord Jesus, please cause Your Grace to multiply on me and also let me never run dry of it.


Saturday, 20 April 2013


King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 12v13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:..." So, for every matter there is a conclusion. In this context it is a matter of life. He goes on to say "... Fear God, and keep His commandments:..." However, this isn't optional but mandatory as it is a command.

Hence the two commands is one, you ask me, how? Hear these;

It will take the fear of a commandant by reason of who he is, the office he holds ,and what he can do with his office to obey his commands/orders. In the same vein, you live ONLY to fear and obey God's commands. He said "... this is the whole DUTY of man". In my Bible, the word 'DUTY' is in italic which accords a lot of attention to it.  Anything short of this is trailing the path of defeat, ill health, failure, poverty and death.

My question by the Holy Ghost to you is, why do you live? For self or God? Remember He had a choice not to have allowed you to rise up this morning.  King Solomon already answered for you but you still must answer individually.

Be wise to make that wise decision now because the next minute could be too late!

Good morning.

Friday, 19 April 2013


"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day" Proverbs 4v18

The life of God's children move forward and upward ever. It can only get better for them. God is better than the best. So, stop celebrating the success of yesterday lest you loose that of today.

Hence, today by God's grace is an improvement on yesterday. This should be your conscious expectation that tomorrow will definitely be better than today. Because everyday comes with lots of goodies and evil as well. Its all a matter of choice, your expectation precedes your experience.

Friend, as children of God you can expect the best today! This covers for only those who have their lives saved in Jesus account. If you are not saved then you are not safe because you are vulnerable to attacks from the camp of the enemy and your life can only move in the opposite direction. Get saved now!

Great expectation precedes great experience.

Good morning.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


According to the book of Saint John 1v1 The Word has been around for ages now which makes Him more experienced in navigating the routes of life. You will agree with me that the experience of a good driver is not determined by how good he can move a car but his expertise in navigating routes.

In the same vein,the Word knows the best and fastest routes to any destination of life and the wisest thing to do is to inculcate Him into the journey of your life. John 14v7 says the Word is the Way and that Way is Jesus.

The bottom line of my thought towards you today is in line with 2Cor 5v7 which says; "For we walk by faith, not by sight". Not everybody but we (Believers or God's children) walk by faith while others walk by sight. They can't move without their eyes. Hence, Rom 10v17 says the Word is the custodian of faith which takes us back to my introduction "Walking the Word".

Conclusively, children of God naturally walks the Word, we don't make mistakes because they are designed in such a way that even mistakes work for our good, Rom 8v28; that's why deadly poisons can't hurt us,Mark 16v18 and we remain standing while others are falling, Psalm 91v7.

Make it your lifestyle to walk the word daily.

Good morning!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


"And the LORD called unto Adam... And he (Adam) said, I heard Thy voice...and I was afraid...I was naked...I hid myself" Genesis 3v9-10

Continuing from where we paused the last time friends, these are more thoughts for you:

1. Sin replace the faith and confidence in man with fear and timidity. It silences the Lion in man

2. Sin reduces man to mere mortal as it practically opens the door to sickness, poverty etc

3. Sin is a sealant of destiny. It shields you away from god's purpose for your life.

I feel with these additional thoughts on which I can go on and on, you should make a wise choice as to whether you want to trade your royal and glorious life for that of shame, fear, timidity, dis-ease, poverty etc.

Conclusively, reading through Galatians 5v19-21, you will discover that the fruits of sin is an endless list because it ends with "...and such like..." While the fruits of righteousness in the same Galatians 5v22-23 ends with "...against such there is no law". Make a wise choice now to accept Jesus, get baptized in the Holy Ghost and begin to live a sinless and stainless life.

Good morning and God bless you!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013


"And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves apron" Genesis 3v7

Just a few worthy thoughts  for you;

1. That sin naturally erode man's covering

2. Sin is a mechanism that switches man between mortality and immortality; that's why you noticed the sudden awakening of Adam and Eve to the fact that they were naked

3. Shame is a very close companion of sin

4. Not until sin set in there was no need for artificial protection

5. The aprons made from fig leaves are insufficient for securing man from the enemies attack which was why God had to change it.

NB: That Jesus cursed a fig tree in Mark 11. for its inability to bring forth fruits at a crucial time: every invention of man to edge God out is like using fig leaves as aprons which from all indications has nothing good to offer you, it can't cover us nor quench our hunger.

Conclusively, we've heard testimonies of people being shot with bullet holes on their clothes while their bodies were secured. The Holy Spirit helped me out with the thoughts above as I tried to reason this out. Hence you can practically secure your body from whatsoever attack by simply staying away from SIN.

God knows I Love you all but Jesus does more and that's why He is beckoning on you to give Him your life now and be free indeed from every harassment of the evil ones, John 8v32.

  Do have a great day!

Monday, 15 April 2013


In Luke 15 we read the account of the prodigal son who having spent his inheritance recklessly was said to have come back to his senses and found his way back to his father to seek his forgiveness.

I have some inspiring thoughts from that account:

1. A life without Christ is one full of crises

2. It is insanity to live outside the boarder of Christ

3. Without the blessings of the Lord according to Proverb 10v22 you will feed on pig pods 

Furthermore, I have a few more thoughts why you just have to find your way back to Christ and this goes to those of you who have lost hope one way or the other:

1. Once you can locate Christ, you automatically locate divine health, Isaiah 53v5

2. Once you find Him, your toiling will seize, Luke 5v1-11

3. Once you can lay hold of Him, protracted issues will give way, Matt 9v20-23

4. Once you are able to locate Him,your sight(vision) will be restored, Mark 10v46-52

5. Once you find Him, shame will give way, John 2v1-12

Just to mention a few, now I don't care what situation it is that you have lost hope hitherto; the doctors have given up on you or your relative? Your creditors are on your neck etc, I assure you once you find Him you are settled.

Conclusively, the God of Elisha is here now but despite His ability to settle you without being questioned He still needs your invitation, He said in 2Chronicles 7v14 "If my people which are called by my name,shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and will heal their land".

It could be this simple, humble yourself (repent of sins), pray and seek His face (meditate on His word) and a proof of the above is that you turn away from your sinful ways then He will hear you, forgive your sins and finally settle your petition.


Sunday, 14 April 2013


I had once shared with you the simplicity of deliverance prayer using Apostle Peter as a case study, Matt 14v30b.

Now I will still be sharing something similar because it is high time you are free from long "prayers of deliverance" with little or no results.

In Number 21v1-9, we see where our fore-fathers rebelled against God and His servant; God sent fiery serpents amongst them to bite them and many died but when they repented God instructed Moses to make a fiery serpent from brass and hang it on a tree (synonymous to the death of Jesus christ on the cross) so that whoever is bitten by the real snakes can look and be saved.

Isn't it interesting that once you are bitten by the serpent you can just look (imagine)at Jesus on the cross for your sake and you'll be saved. That is why you can't afford to let Christ's picture on the cross leave your mind, you must meditate therein day and night,Joshua 1v8.

Have you been bitten? Are you in pain? Etc, simply look at Him and be saved, Hebrew 12v2.

Good morning and happy Sunday!

Saturday, 13 April 2013


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend" John 15v13.

Also, 1John 4v8 goes on to say that;

"He that loveth not knoweth not God,for God is love".

A beautiful friend of mine shared with the ordeal of a young chorister whose "fiance" as being demanding sex from having being in a relationship for about two years. Their relationship now began to sag because she has chosen to keep herself. However, my friend was able to give her a costly piece of advice. And I will be using her thoughts in crowing this message to you.

Love is of God. They are inseparable from each other. There are no strings attached. This must reflect in every facet of life mostly in our relationships. You must be able to inculcate the love of Christ when dealing with your spouse or proposed spouse and by this you will have nothing less than a blissful home.

Furthermore, many are facing terrible times in their marriage, business, carrier, ministries etc because they walked out of love. If you'll have to dissolve a relationship make sure you are not on the faulty side.

Hence,never walk out of love: for when you do, you walk out of Christ because Christ is love. When you walk out on love;

1. You walk into ill-health
2. You walk into death
3. You walk into poverty
4. You walk into confusion
5. You walk into blindness
6. You walk into misery
7. You walk into stagnation

Just to mention a few of the consequences of walking out of love. Christ and love are inseparable as I affirmed earlier. The love of Christ is attached to nothing. Christ isn't a symbol but an in-you which is no other than love expressing Himself in all ramification of your life.

Conclusively,you can get back on the track of success in your marriage,business,carrier,ministry etc by simply getting back on the track of love because our second theme text makes it clear that you can't but be in love:its our nature both as children of God and Believers. Repent and ask for forgiveness for walking out on Love and the tide will turn for you. Shalom!

Good morning and happy weekend

Friday, 12 April 2013


I was astonished as I heard these three words escape the mouth of a Divine treasure in my custody; she said "Holiness isn't boring" and I thought good that I relate it to You, yes You!

Contrary to the opinion and views of many today,holiness isn't boring neither is it tiresome or tasking. Holiness is exiting.

Today,inculcated into the entertainment industry is comedy which pulls the crowd in single gatherings. However, Jesus is one man that has and always pull the largest crowd in single meetings. Those of you who attends the RCCG meetings in Nigeria and many others around the world can bear me witness.

In John 6v2, Jesus was said to have being followed by a multitude such that the women and children couldn't be numbered save the men.

Hence, Jesus Christ is our model of holiness; His account as recorded in the first four gospels of the new testament testifies to this assertion. And because Goodness and Mercy are associates of holiness, Jesus did good everywhere He went which in turn became His magnet of attention, Acts 10v38.

We can therefore deduce that Holiness being associate with Goodness and Mercy (the custodian of blessings) is a magnet of attention which makes life worth living. To be holy:

1. Be born-again,John 3v3
2. Study God's word day and night,Joshua 1v8
3. Pray without ceasing,Luke 18v1

As you do these,you will be changed from glory to glory until you become just as He is. Finally, holiness is not something you strive to achieve in a day but by practice as you journey through life;it is therefore a lifestyle and a journey. And you will agree with me that God Himself doesn't like loneliness, Genesis 2v18 so, the journey of life is most enjoyable in the custody of people.

Good morning and have a great weekend ahead!

Thursday, 11 April 2013


It is alarming how Christian or believers of today loose hope and give-in to situations and circumstances quickly.

In Genesis 32v24-32, we see how one of the men by whose name we eulogize God today wrestled with an angel for his blessing. He had his name changed!

Similarly in Matthew 15v21-28, we read the account of a woman who wouldn't just take no for an answer. She went home with her miracle despite the humiliation and insult she received.

Conclusively, I know you have waited for God's intervention long enough to give-up; I am also aware that you have been humiliated and called different types of name like the woman above and Hannah in 1 Samuel 1v6-7. I have good news for you; your faith was only being tested/examined and promotion succeeds every examination of life.

Don't give-up friend. Hold Him tight a little further because it is your turn to be attended to now.

Congratulations and good morning!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


It takes a faulty foundation to dis-arm the righteous. For as long as his/her foundation is intact he/she is immune against any harassment or attack from the enemy.

I found in scriptures that God specialize in using foolish things to confound the seemingly wise according to 1 Corinthians 1v26-31.

An example of such instances is the case of Obed-Edom in 2 Samuel 6v10-12. He was already relegated to the back seat. To such an extent that when the people amongst which were poor people needed a guinea-pig for an experiment of the killing power of the Ark of Covenant, they didn't have to think twice; he was their choice. He was poorer than the poor!

You don't need any other example for you to know that you are the one God is talking to now. The good news for YOU is that regardless of how backward your life has been;

Your brakes have been released and you are now unstoppable in Jesus name, amen!

Congratulations, Good morning.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Growth is an essential proof of life. However, it takes grace to grow in a crooked world such as we live in today. Luke 2v52 records that Jesus grew/increased.

As a child of God, there are three essential areas  growth must be eminent before you can boldly say that you are truly making progress as one. They are:

1. Wisdom- this is profitable to direct and it is only accessible through adhent study, Joshua 1v8, 2Timothy 2v15

2. Stature- there is a need for balanced nutrition in  your body. However, spiritual growth compensate's for your physical growth because your Spirit man is by far older than your outer being and will do everything to keep it in shape.

3. Favour- you also need to be favoured of God and man. However, when you are fovoured of God, you are favoured of man, Rom 8v32 says; if God be for us, who can be against us?

Conclusively, simply pray: Father cause me to increase on every side by your grace in Jesus name!

Good morning

Monday, 8 April 2013


John 15v3 says;

"Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you".

It is important that bonafide children of God have regular shower in the word. Unlike the usual bath,you are admonished to have series of shower in the word daily, Joshua 1v8.

Hence you will agree with me that if a man or woman refuses to have his or her shower daily, he or she will develop offensive odor which will put people away from him or her.

In the same vein,you will develop offensive odor that will put away Divine Personalities from if you don't have regular shower in the word which is able to cleanse you and you know what that means.

Conclusively,many look good today even believers but have offensive odor because of their negligence or irregular shower in God's word. You might just have been the one keeping your helpers away up till now;get into the word like a pool and start bathing; very soon Heaven will pay you visits.

Good morning.

Sunday, 7 April 2013


God has a stake in all creature both living and non-living. He has a hand in everything. Colosians 1v15-17 tells us that He created all things and in Him all things consist.

Little wonder He is addressed as the begining and ending because all things have their source in Him. Praise God!

Jesus (Man) is the express image of the invisible God, Col 1v15. Let's consider the Cars, Computers, Machines etc you will realise that they have natures related to man. For instance the blood and heart of a car are fuel and fuel pump respectively. Everything has a heart, vein, liver etc.

Conclusively, the same parttern of creation God initiated when He created man remains the secret of any amazing or mind blowing invention today. I am directed to open your eyes to the heart and secret of invention. God must be in that thing you have imagined for it to come to lime light. God must be your focal point; He must be the life of that thing.

I hear in my Spirit now; it is time for inventions eyes have never seen, ears have never heard about and has never entered the heart of any man and you have been considered a stakeholder in this.

Good morning and please do have a great weekend.

Saturday, 6 April 2013


One key principle of christianity is that of seed time and harvest according to Gen 8v22. Jesus died that we may live. Unfortunately, many barely exist let alone living even with their donkey years of being saved.

Jesus on His exiting this world handed to us the glory by which He lived that we may live too and not merely exist, John 17v22.

Furthermore, Apostle Paul unveiled the secret of his ministerial success in Galatians 2v20b saying; ...the life I live now in the flesh I live by THE FAITH OF THE SON OF GOD (Jesus)... In other words;

1. I have exchanged my horrible existence for Jesus' Life

2. I use Jesus' strenght (faith) now in me to do exploits and perform all these feat, Phil 4v13

3. I am what I am by His grace, 1Cor 15v10.

Conclusively, you will amount to nothing until you have traded your life for He's and started living by His Faith which is able to accomplish exceeding, abundantly above all that we can ever imagine or ask, Eph 3v20.

Good morning and do have a great day!

Friday, 5 April 2013


It takes the Truth to unchain or release the bound. A typical example is the release of Lazarus from grave clothing, John 11v44b. Also in John 5v1-12, a man had been stagnant for about thirty-eight years but when the Truth came on board, he was freed. The mad man of Gadara could not be tamed bý any other but the Truth,Mark 5.

Jesus is the Truth, John14v4. For how long will you continue to live on lies. Lies will eventually fail you but the truth wouldn't. Open up to the Truth who when He sets free, you'll be free indeed without traces that you were ever bound before.

You might have chained/bound yourself with lies in that office, on that sick bed or in whatever predicament you might be facing now. Invite the Truth now and you will be free now. He would charge you, He is faithful so, He will simply wipe away your horrible past and give you a new life, 1John 1v9, John 10v10b.

Tell the Truth and let the devil be put to shame!

Because Jesus hath set me free, I am free indeed!
Good morning and have a splendid day.

Thursday, 4 April 2013


In every organisation of life there are hierachies. Also there are different levels of relationship. You will agree with me that there will be variance in personal information you dispatch to family members and friends because of the level of relationship.

In the same vein, your benefits in the kingdom of God both in Heaven and on earth is essentially determined by your relation with Him. The big question now is who are you to God or who is God to you?

The people God lamented on in Hosea 4v6 were not unbelievers but Believers. Isn't this touchy? Its all about relationship:

Jesus had a multitude of followers who were largely beneficiacries of bread (just food or physical. Benefits)

Jesus also had disciples which numbered 500, 70 & 12 respectively; these all benefited from Him at various degrees

Finally, Jesus had one beloved named John to be precise; this young man had access to vital information which even the twelve didn't have despite their closeness. At certain points, other disciples needed him to get answers to their questions from Jesus. A few thoughts here for you:

1. Only few are very close to Jesus

2. The very close few are the stars we celebrate today and I don't mean just musical star but real stars whose reigning tenure never expires

3. The very close have access to vital information and that's why John had more detailed information about Jesus in his gospel

4. The very few have access to the secret of the workings of miracles

5. The very few see into the future just like John wrote the book of revelations.

At this junction, I can say with all boldness that the choice is now yours; to be a Follower gunning for bread, a Disciple with limited access or a beloved with unlimited benefits and access.

Prayer Point

Father, help me to live as Your beloved and not just as Your disciple of follower in Jesus name.

Good day and God bless you.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


Still in the mode of the Easter celebration, let me share a few thoughts in relation to it and why we can't afford to miss celebrating this season. 1Cor 11v23 gives us insights into the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus who we celebrate this season and He admonished us on what to do so as to keep Him in both our sub-conscious and conscious mind. To remember means to call back to memory. When you remember God He remembers you in return! Remember; Matt 1v21: Jesus came to take our sin, Rom 6v14.
Jesus took away our sickness, Matt 8v18, 1Peter2V24b

Jesus came to set us free, John8v32

Isaiah 53v4, Jesus took our sorrows,Phil4v4

Jesus broke d yoke of poverty

Jesus took our troubles, John 14v27

Jesus took away death, John 10v10

Finally, to remember Him means to believe Him and do the works He came to accomplish as well as appropriating it to ourselves.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus who loved and died for me. Hallelujah!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Ø In at least someone’s life there are issues that have lingered for so long around them that they are now being worn-out by them; I have a word for you from the Lord, He said I should tell you “that issue is resolved now”.
You know yourself, issues in Business, Marriage, Parenting, Carrier, and Job etc. Congratulations, they are sorted now in Jesus name!

Hence, in Mark 5v25-29 a woman was said to have lived with an issue of blood for twelve years. She had lost everything she had trying to solve it, she was left with no other option than to seek the one who resolves issues for free which is no other than Jesus Christ. However she located Him but the crowd around Him was much and scripture says;

“...came in the press behind, and touched his garment” Mark 5v27

TOUCH Jesus at all cost not minding the crowed. Go in the press. Many make the mistake of offering corporate fellowship which has denied them the answer to their petitions. The truth is that, as much as God admonishes fellowship He still requires that you as an individual even while in any gathering of brethren have individual fellowship with Him. That is the secret of trail blazers in the kingdom.

You can’t go in the press and not touch God, impossible!

Ø Acts 3 records the account of a man who had never walked since he was born and was laid at the Temple gate called beautiful to beg for alms. Now, Peter and John were said to have gone to the temple as it was their custom one faithful day and they noticed this impotent and helpless man. Of course, once the man noticed that he was given attention he begged them for alms as usual but Peter said;

“...Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” Acts 3v6

And the windows of heaven were opened over him for healing. However, the thought I will like you to hold on to there in verse 4&5 of the same chapter, it says;

“And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them”

The lame man was said to have FASTENED his eyes on them and also EXPECTING to receive something from them. The truth is that expectation precedes experience. What are your expectations? So many lands in the presence of God without expectations, too bad! Keep your eyes on the one from whom you are expecting to receive something i.e. God. Scripture says if your eyes be single, your whole body will be flooded with light. So, your FOCUS on God is key to the opening of your windows of heaven. As long as Peter kept his eyes on Christ water was dry land under his foot but as soon as he took his eyes of Him he began to sink, Matthew 14v30.

Conclusively, be FOCUSED and EXPECTANT every time you are in God’s presence.

Ø Vision is the hallmark of life. In fact proverb 29v18 says that people perish where it is lacking.
Blind Bartemeaus as was called had his sight restored because he was able to access one key I will be discussing in a moment and used it to unlock heaven over his blindness. He PRAISED God by eulogizing Him. He cried out saying;

“...Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me” Mark 10v47

Jesus said “if I be lifted up, I will draw men unto me” and you can’t get close to Him with any rubbish still hanging around your life. PRAISE is therefore a pathway to a RAISE.

Ø Conclusively on this note, in Mark 3v35-41, Jesus and His disciples were travelling in a ship.
Along the line a storm arouse which cart away all the sailor could remember about calming storms. Jesus was sleeping all the while they were trying still the storm on their own, but when they discovered that they couldn’t still the storm they went to wake the one who is the Controller General of all levels of storm and He being awoken did what He knew how to do best. The thought you are to hold on to here is that when the storm is high, you have tried all you could, then resolve to calling on the Master of storm, Jesus Christ and I assure you, your storms are over.

I am blessed and the tide is turning in my favor!

Monday, 1 April 2013



Ø In 2Chronicles 1v6 King Solomon provoked an open heaven with his OFFERING of a thousand burnt sacrifices.
Going by God’s record no one had ever done that so God paid him a visit that same night. You can’t give an unusual offering and not receive heavens dignitaries. Get involved in God’s business which is soul winning. So many Ministries are out there propagating the gospel which needs support in cash and kind for them to be able to either go further or do more. Locate one, two, three or more of such Ministries and invest into them. Let me give you a secret here; God’s most valuable asset is man and counts it a joyful thing which calls for celebration every time at least one person give his or her life to Him through the hearing of the gospel. Once you get involved, know that you are provoking an opened heaven for blessings. Celebration will never cease in your home henceforth!

Ø Still in 2Chronicles 1v6 King Solomon didn’t just provoke a Divine visitation but also wealth as as never been seen before. Scripture says;

“...the king made silver and gold at Jerusalem as plenteous as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the vale for abundance”

In other words, the gold you so much value today became as a common thing in the house of King Solomon. Your GIVING/OFFERING will usher you into God’s vault of blessings. So when you give for God’s business, do it not with a sense of helping God but much more yourself.

Ø In John 5v1-12, a man who had been sick for about thirty-eight years had his health restored simply because he ACTED ON GOD’S WORD.
When you hear God’s word anywhere, how do you respond? You are where you are because that’s how far you have acted on His word. Your actions on hearing His word just like you are doing now determines the windows that open for you. Jesus simply said to the sick man;

“...Rise, take up thy bed, and walk” John 5v8

And immediately,

“...the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked...” John 5v9

You have struggled with the Word long enough “Rise up and walk now in Jesus name”. It could be that simple. Yes, just like that! Congratulations, you are whole now in Jesus name. So, once you receive God’s word, act! By so doing you will be unlocking the windows of heaven for blessing unspeakable.

Prayer Point
Father, help me to act on Your word promptly and cause my giving and offerings to produce bountiful results henceforth in Jesus name.