
Friday, 31 May 2013


There is only one access to wisdom and it is the way of the FEAR OF GOD, Proverbs 9v10 but wisdom speaking in Proverbs 8v12 reveals His address;

“I wisdom dwell with prudence…”

Who is prudent? Someone who is cautious, caring, careful, has good sense and godly discretion. In summary, wisdom dwells with the humble in spirit.

I will take a little time to break this down for your easy digestion. Now every man on earth came in as a child at one time or the other by parents. Except for some parents who don’t know what it means to be a parent, there is a fear in the heart of every child from infancy towards his/her parents avoiding being spanked. In the same vein, we are to avoid being spanked by God. Every act of indiscipline is done in hiding, why? To avoid being spanked!

Now, God is your father and you just do what pleases you even if it doesn’t please him, it doesn’t matter to you. Here we come, the Bible says to fear God means to shun evil. it also means to hate evil, pride, arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech, Job 1v1, Proverbs 8v13. I remember I used to run away from home whenever I offended my Dad in those days but that never solved the problem. What am I trying to say? That many are running away from God today because of their lifestyle, you say I am not running, yes! But the Bible says that friendship with the world is enmity with God. In other words, the moment you begin to do what He doesn’t like you are automatically moving away gradually and many have fallen preys of the devil are suffering from it today. If only they will realize this fact and get back to their father and apologize, Luke 15v18. He will gladly accept you back and you will continue your life.

Staying outside is a risk; little wonder why people live lives of fear today and don’t last because they end up with High Blood Pressure etc. I remember that every time I reconciled with my Dad in those days even until his last days I had access to gifts I have never gotten from him before then, he will always say “take the biggest of them all”, the same way God lavishes you with gifts every time you find your way back to him. You are only missing out running away from Him, Luke 15v11-32.

So, just avoid the things He hates as you will do to your earthly father. Many find this difficult because they can’t see Him but the Bible makes it clear that nothing is hidden from Him, so why deceiving yourself and suffering from it at the same time? Because you are the beneficiary of both sides, if you run from Him, you will suffer, if you stay with Him, you are secured.

It is the absence of the fear of God that will make a man to kill another man for rituals not minding what your heavenly Dad will say.

However, it is an evil spirit at work through them robbing them of their conscience, so as not to think right but I see you being free from now on in Jesus name. Doing what God doesn’t like is disobedience and lack of fear for Him. Hence Deuteronomy 28v15-end is a catalogue of curses awaiting such people, and of course many are already suffering from them but let me assure you that if you continue living a God –Fear Free lifestyle, the suffering continues in hell and even much more so, change now and receive a new  fleshy heart in place of a stony one.

Explaining the fear of God cannot be over emphasized but it is as simple as you can see it. After the Holy Spirit showed me this simplicity my life changed because I adjusted my walk with God making it more intimate as a father-son relationship and doing all I can not to offend Him by the help of the Holy Spirit at work in me. I NOW FLY WHILE MANY ARE CRAWLING BECAUSE NOTHING FLIES AS THE FEAR OF GOD.  

Good day!

Thursday, 30 May 2013


I am very sure somebody is already asking, does wisdom really have a voice, does it speak, is wisdom a person or just an instinct? So many questions might be running through your mind but I will be glad to put in your hands the answer to every question that might have been running through your mind. It will be my pleasure to show you how it works and how much you can benefit from its voice. Henceforth wisdom will speak for you in Jesus name. After now, every where you rise up to talk, wisdom will flow out of you naturally.

The Bible describes wisdom as the principal thing, that one thing that makes every other thing to matter. It is one thing that makes life miserable for man when it is missing. The principal thing is that one thing that every other thing is added to. But many today fall victim because they add wisdom to other things instead of other things being added to wisdom because it is the principal thing, the head and the most important.

Wisdom is one thing that gives meaning, shape and form to every other thing so; you will agree with me that most of the situation people encounter today is essentially a result of missing or misapplied wisdom. In Genesis 1, God was having a good time around and He noticed the shapelessness of the earth through His Spirit and He decided to give it shape, this He couldn’t achieve without employing Wisdom.

Hence your life will remain shapeless until the place of wisdom is occupied by wisdom and not worldly philosophies which God in this present age is making a misfit of.

As I conclude this introduction, I will like for you to know that the value you place on a thing determines the value of its voice to you. For instance, the value placed on great men of God determines how much you believe their words and what you derive from them. One of them, as he ministers suddenly stops and says “my Daddy says, there is somebody here…”, if you don’t have value him first, you wouldn’t believe what he saying even if you were hearing the same thing God was saying through him.

Matthew 10v41 says that you can only access a Prophets reward on the account of your acceptance of that Prophet…” So I will like for you to prepare your minds for encounters with wisdom and your life will begin to take shape regardless of how bad its form had been. It can’t be as worse as the earth was in the beginning. Bless you.

Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. As you know that knowledge is being acquired by digesting, meditating on any chosen sphere of life. In Daniel 6v3, the Bible refers to this wisdom as the Excellent Spirit. When it is at work in you, you will be high above every other person; you become a high flier just as the name implies it works excellence. It is one thing that differentiates you from every other person, grants you access into miseries, Daniel 6v3.

We will continue from here tomorrow, God bless you.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Hallelujah! The summary of the believer’s life is likened unto faith. Faith is what makes the believer. In other words you are not a believer without faith. As a matter of fact it is impossible to please God without faith, Hebrews 11v6. If you don’t please God your enemies wouldn’t be at peace with you and of course that’s the most awful circumstance you will want to find yourself.

Life on earth is summarized as faith because we live in the dispensation of grace where the Lord’s mercy abounds. So everything we do here revolves around in and around faith. You can’t get any better than your faith gets.
Interestingly everything created or men and women who ever amounted to anything in life accomplished these feats through the instrumentality of faith. In other words as believers we live for and by faith.

Your essence of living is faith. Apostle Paul in his concluding letter to Timothy said;

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” 2Timothy 4v7

Hence the whole essence of the believer is faith. It is a good fight as well as a core course in the school of believers. In other words, if there is anything that the believer should fight for, it must be faith. It is the life of the believer. God bless you.



One of my mentors said when you thank God for what He has done; you are indirectly reminding Him of what you need. We are too casual with our lives that we forget to thank God for what He is or has done. Thank God for strength in your bones, vision, hearing, locomotion, life etc. and always remember that we are saved by grace, Ephesians 2v8. If not what could have been the offense of those who are on the other side of where you are? I mean the blind, impoverished, deaf, dumb, lame, dead, hospitalized, hunger, indeed it is an endless list. Those younger or older even your age mates have gone or are in one predicament or the other. When you sit down and think carefully through this few lines you will discover how much of an ingrate you have been and how much you don't deserve to ask God for anything till further notice. When I caught this revelation I began to thank more than I ask. I thank God on the water closet while I do my business there. Many do that same exercise with aides. You have no meat on your food but there are many outside there that don't have food. Many even have it and cannot eat it because their appetites are gone. Some don't have swallow anymore but you enjoy all these in good measure. I wouldn't say much on this substance of faith because I already feel with the little I have said you should be remorseful. A nation could be ungrateful so it doesn't only have to do with individuals.

However in Luke 17v12-19 Jesus attended to ten lepers but only one returned to give thanks for what he had received and he got something more than the remaining nine. God expects us to give thanks because when this man returned He said;

“...were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?”

This simply means that God expects us to return to give Him glory through our thanks giving.  In response to the return of that cleansed leper He said;

“...Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole”

This is to say that the nine only got cleaned and are still vulnerable to being infected again but the one who returned to give thanks got something more than other, he was eternally immunized against any future infection. Isn't that better? To further establish the subject of thanks giving lets add 1Thessalonians 5v18 which says;

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”

Conclusively, other substance of faith will deliver your expectations while that of thanks giving will give you much more than you were expecting. Those with great expectations are always found on this tract and are never put to shame. These substances of faith are your major pathway to the treasure house of God without which you can't attain to anything meaningful in life. God bless you

Tuesday, 28 May 2013



So many are waiting on this line without results in fact many have turned back. This is the secret, James 4v2 says;

“Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts”

its that simple. When you ask God for anything outside His will, He doesn't do it because it is those that ask according to His will that receives their petition, 1John 5v14. What does this whole thing mean? It means that before you kneel down to ask God for anything make sure your motive is in line with His will, His word. In other words make sure it has everything to do with the promotion of His kingdom on earth. That's why we are here on earth in the first place. He said seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness...Matthew 6v33 and every other thing we now spend quality time pursuing will be added to you. You wouldn't need to pray for those ones, hallelujah!

Giving is a vital substance of faith; it possesses both the weighty and visible features of any other substance. In 2Chronicles 1v6-12 Solomon was said to have offered a thousand burnt sacrifices to God and God visited him that same night to ask him why he had to do that. Whenever you give God anything from the bottom of your heart He responds by asking, and why did you do that? Solomon's journey to greatness didn't materialize until he made a request that aligned with God's kingdom, 2Chronicles 1v10. And God was over proud of him to have made such a request that He granted his request in multiple folds. Proverbs 11v30b says that those who make request that favor's God's kingdom are wise because God's response will almost throw such persons off balance. You can give your way through to your breakthrough. Get God to visit you tonight by your giving.

Now many think giving could only be in monetary a form only, no that’s a misinterpretation of this substance of faith and accounts for while many are still waiting for response to their giving. It could be in both cash (money) and kind (service, food, clothes, shoes, time etc) at little or mostly no cost.     

It is well with you!