There is only one access to wisdom and it is the way
of the FEAR OF GOD, Proverbs 9v10 but wisdom speaking in Proverbs 8v12 reveals
His address;
“I wisdom dwell with prudence…”
Who is prudent? Someone who is cautious, caring,
careful, has good sense and godly discretion. In summary, wisdom dwells with
the humble in spirit.
I will take a little time to break this down for your
easy digestion. Now every man on earth came in as a child at one time or the
other by parents. Except for some parents who don’t know what it means to be a
parent, there is a fear in the heart of every child from infancy towards
his/her parents avoiding being spanked. In the same vein, we are to avoid being
spanked by God. Every act of indiscipline is done in hiding, why? To avoid
being spanked!
Now, God is your father and you just do what pleases
you even if it doesn’t please him, it doesn’t matter to you. Here we come, the
Bible says to fear God means to shun evil. it also means to hate evil, pride,
arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech, Job 1v1, Proverbs 8v13. I
remember I used to run away from home whenever I offended my Dad in those days
but that never solved the problem. What am I trying to say? That many are
running away from God today because of their lifestyle, you say I am not
running, yes! But the Bible says that friendship with the world is enmity with
God. In other words, the moment you begin to do what He doesn’t like you are
automatically moving away gradually and many have fallen preys of the devil are
suffering from it today. If only they will realize this fact and get back to
their father and apologize, Luke 15v18. He will gladly accept you back and you will
continue your life.
Staying outside is a risk; little wonder why people
live lives of fear today and don’t last because they end up with High Blood Pressure
etc. I remember that every time I reconciled with my Dad in those days even
until his last days I had access to gifts I have never gotten from him before
then, he will always say “take the biggest of them all”, the same way God
lavishes you with gifts every time you find your way back to him. You are only
missing out running away from Him, Luke 15v11-32.
So, just avoid the things He hates as you will do to
your earthly father. Many find this difficult because they can’t see Him but
the Bible makes it clear that nothing is hidden from Him, so why deceiving
yourself and suffering from it at the same time? Because you are the
beneficiary of both sides, if you run from Him, you will suffer, if you stay
with Him, you are secured.
It is the absence of the fear of God that will make a
man to kill another man for rituals not minding what your heavenly Dad will say.
However, it is an evil spirit at work through them
robbing them of their conscience, so as not to think right but I see you being
free from now on in Jesus name. Doing what God doesn’t like is disobedience and
lack of fear for Him. Hence Deuteronomy 28v15-end is a catalogue of curses
awaiting such people, and of course many are already suffering from them but
let me assure you that if you continue living a God –Fear Free lifestyle, the
suffering continues in hell and even much more so, change now and receive a
new fleshy heart in place of a stony
Explaining the fear of God cannot be over emphasized
but it is as simple as you can see it. After the Holy Spirit showed me this
simplicity my life changed because I adjusted my walk with God making it more
intimate as a father-son relationship and doing all I can not to offend Him by
the help of the Holy Spirit at work in me. I NOW FLY WHILE MANY ARE
Good day!