
Wednesday, 31 July 2013


It is important that I draw your attention to something the Holy Ghost showed me from Genesis 8v22. You will discover that it is only the sowing that has time attached to it. There is no time attached to harvesting, Jesus could come asking for fruit on you anytime, Mark 11v13&14.

In Agriculture, every crop has its own planting season and you need not to be told to go harvesting when it is ripe. Now sowing seed has it’s time attached to opportunities, Galatians 6v10 saying;

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men…”

Opportunities are the signals of the right time to sow your seed. However, opportunities abound around us, there will always be the poor around, 1Corinthians 16v9, Mark 14v7. This leaves us with no excuse for not sowing because our harvest is tied to it.


“…but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offering unto the Lord my God that which doth cost me nothing…” 2Samuel 24v24

The quality as well as the quantity of your seed determines the quality and quantity of your harvest. The bible says wisdom is profitable to direct. You want a bountiful harvest? Make you sowing bountiful.

Conclusively, your seed must be a costly one for you to reap a quality harvest in return because your input determines your output. Be good!


Tuesday, 30 July 2013


“…seedtime and harvest…shall not cease” Genesis 8v22

“…then Isaac sowed in the land and reaped in the same year a hundred fold…and the LORD blessed him” Genesis 26v12

Every bountiful harvest answers to the command of a bountiful sowing and the hundred fold measure is a return on every quality sowing. Also I will like for you to know that God’s blessings are not for the lazy but for those who will rise to the task of sowing seeds into the kingdom.

It is rather unfortunate that many today even Christian do not understand this mystery of exploring the blessings of the Lord. People have limited sowing to money alone, then they say I don’t have enough not to talk of getting to sow. Your time, talent and gifts, love in addition to your money are seeds that are best sellers in the kingdom market today.

The Bible makes it clear in saying; give and it shall be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall MEN give into you bosom. The pressed down measure is meant for givers only. Givers never lacks they say and the giving hand bears’ rule. I will like for to note that He said MEN will be the means or medium through which the return on your sown seeds will be delivered to you. You can not be a blessing to the kingdom and ever regret doing it.

What you have sown and the manner with which it was sown is what directs God’s blessings through men to you. Remember He says a cheerful giver is the one He love and deliver His blessings to i.e. you must be in love to give or sow anything. 1Corinthians 2v9 makes it clearer that the things that eyes have not seen, ears neither heard nor entered into the heart of man are the exclusive reserve of them that love God.

Hence love is the bedrock of His accepting your seed. From our text above we will discover that there was famine in the land when Isaac sowed, as a matter of fact there was a draught. There was severe need in the land when he sowed.

Today what are the needs of the kingdom? Worshiper, Quality singers, Teachers, Missionaries, Evangelists and Pastors to mention a few, I am glad to let you know that you are gifted in at least one of these areas of need. Why not begin to sow that gift of yours and embrace a hundred fold harvest like Isaac did. Your money, business and time are also best selling today in the kingdom market, lunch out today and reap a bountiful harvest.

I have come this far because where you sow your seed also influences your harvest. Try this approach from today see that the LORD is good.

Monday, 29 July 2013


Let me share one more testimony with you; during the 60th convention anniversary of The Redeemed Christian Church Of God in Nigeria, a friend of mine was given a contract to supply T-Shirts to the youth department and he was paid all the money at a go. But because he didn’t want to miss any part of the convention meetings, he sub-contracted the job to someone else with him making at least some dividend.

However, he was to supply in less than 24 hours (10:00AM), by 11:00AM the man doing the job’s phone was still off and my friend lost his peace and began to worry. I simply asked him “as the Pastor called you to ask for the dresses?” and he said no. I responded he wouldn’t call you until you have got the job but he was still worried. I said again, you can only be on the advantaged side and not the disadvantaged.

To cut the long story short, the dresses were got to the event centre after the event and they were still gladly accepted. Now, he had spent extra money to get that job done at that speed and was worried if they will give him his money because he didn’t delivered as agreed. He summoned courage to present his papers for the extra charge. The good news was that, apart from the fact that he wasn’t blamed for the delay he was also paid the extra change then I asked him “what has your worrying earned you?”, it didn’t get the dresses to the venue earlier than they got there; it only raised your blood pressure which has killed many.

Friends my courage in advising him was grounded in one scriptural verse which was Romans 8v28 saying;

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that Love God, to them who are called according to his purpose”

I just knew it; that God will sooth the hearts of his receivers to align with the delivery of that job. The above scripture points out that it is only those that are called and love God that this service is made available to. The one that loves God obeys God and what is his commandment? Have faith in God, Mark 11v22b.

Philippians 4v6 goes on to say;

“Be anxious (careful) for nothing...”


“Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature” Matthew 6v27

In other words, worrying has never been able to successfully change anything but complicate matters. Don’t try changing the unchangeable; God’s word created this world and only by His world could anything in it be adjusted and not by your worrying. God testifies of His children saying;

“Behold my servant, whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth...He shall not cry...” Isaiah 42v1-2

In other words, your crying could signify an ignorance or loss of identity as God’s elect in whom He delights. Friends, if weeping blood couldn’t change anything for Jesus Christ, our role model it wouldn’t for us either so don’t bother trying but go the way of faith. Glory!

Sunday, 28 July 2013


It has become a common thing to see children of God cry in His presence as they present their petitions and supplications which is not supposed to be. Only babies cry to communicate their needs while adults talk. However when an adult is seen crying when he or she is making a request he or she is being attended to has a child.

Hence crying does not mean that you will get what you want and that is exactly what we will be looking at in this epistle. Jesus Christ the son of God was once at this junction in His life where He thought “crying” or “sweating blood” could solve an issue or get God to change His mind concerning a pre-determined mission.

“And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground” Luke 22v44

Once upon a time, there lived a small boy named Joe and his mum in a town. Joe was enrolled in an elementary school while his mum worked with the Local Government secretariat in that town. One day Joe’s mum told him that she wouldn’t be coming home as early as she used to because of an extra official engagement. She therefore prepared his lunch, kept it in a cupboard and showed Joe where the key to the cupboard was kept. They both left off.

Joe returned very hungry as usual but instead of going straight to the cupboard, unlock it and take his lunch he sat outside crying and everyone that passed asked “why are you crying?” while he responded “I am hungry”. Yet he was holding the key to the cupboard keeping his food.
This is where so many are today, thinking their crying will solve their problems instead of going into the word and claiming what rightfully belongs to them. Joshua 1v8 says that having meditated continuously on the word and provisions of God;

“...thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success”

In other words, the answers to the questions of your life are not in crying, agonizing or worrying but in diligent studying and quality observation in doing all that you have meditated on by faith.  God bless you.