woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon
as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy
that a man is born into the world” John 16:21
thing I have learnt from scriptures is that Jesus shows up whenever and wherever
He is being discussed. August has indeed been our month of a new beginning in
different sphere as it applies to individuals. Now, you don’t harvest the same
day you plant and every woman births her pregnancy after nine months hence, as you proceed into the nineth month of your pregnancy of expectations you will deliver joy, prosperity, Divine Health etc in Jesus name. Your weeping has endured for too many nights, its your morning time which has come with nothing but joy.
So you are not just looking out for the harvest of
your new beginnings but the dividends of your faith in God through Jesus Christ. I don’t have
the faintest doubt that you are in for jam-packed testimon-filed season in Jesus
name. Just as a nine-month old pregnancy doesn’t need any special announcement,
September will definitely speak for itself so I will not need to stress words
further. However, it will suffice you to know a few things about this month or
declarations such as our theme.
Firstly, Ephesians 5:13 says;
“But all things that are reproved
are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light”
In other words, for anything
to be made manifest there must be light. Until God called forth light, He
didn’t create any other thing, Gen 1:2 and that light is the word of God
according to John 1:1-3. In my own opinion, I believe you already have a word
from God that will make manifest or deliver your expectations. You must be
expectant because expectation precedes experience, John 16:21.
Finally, when your light
-you will rise, Isaiah 60:1-3
-your health will be restored,
John 5:8&9
-stagnation will divorce you,
Acts 3:1-9
-prosperity will take up its
abode with you, Luke 5:6&7
-your marriage and
relationships will be blissful
-your womb will become
fruitful, 1Samuel 1:20
-all things will become new
for you, 2Cor 5:17
Conclusively, you can fill in
your own expectations and I am certain you will come testifying in Jesus name. However,
salvation is a major key to partaking in the manifestation of miracles and that
is why I will admonish you to join the salvation chariot now if you
are yet to surrender your life to Jesus.Say after me; Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sinful state, wash me in Your blood and be my Lord and personal Savior from now on. You can then join the rest of us to
maximize the benefits of this season. Congratulations and God bless you!