
Saturday, 31 August 2013


“A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world” John 16:21

One thing I have learnt from scriptures is that Jesus shows up whenever and wherever He is being discussed. August has indeed been our month of a new beginning in different sphere as it applies to individuals. Now, you don’t harvest the same day you plant and every woman births her pregnancy after nine months hence, as you proceed into the nineth month of your pregnancy of expectations you will deliver joy, prosperity, Divine Health etc in Jesus name. Your weeping has endured for too many nights, its your morning time which has come with nothing but joy.

So you are not just looking out for the harvest of your new beginnings but the dividends of your faith in God through Jesus Christ. I don’t have the faintest doubt that you are in for jam-packed testimon-filed season in Jesus name. Just as a nine-month old pregnancy doesn’t need any special announcement, September will definitely speak for itself so I will not need to stress words further. However, it will suffice you to know a few things about this month or declarations such as our theme.

Firstly, Ephesians 5:13 says;

“But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light”

In other words, for anything to be made manifest there must be light. Until God called forth light, He didn’t create any other thing, Gen 1:2 and that light is the word of God according to John 1:1-3. In my own opinion, I believe you already have a word from God that will make manifest or deliver your expectations. You must be expectant because expectation precedes experience, John 16:21.

Finally, when your light comes;
-you will rise, Isaiah 60:1-3
-your health will be restored, John 5:8&9
-stagnation will divorce you, Acts 3:1-9
-prosperity will take up its abode with you, Luke 5:6&7
-your marriage and relationships will be blissful
-your womb will become fruitful, 1Samuel 1:20
-all things will become new for you, 2Cor 5:17

Conclusively, you can fill in your own expectations and I am certain you will come testifying in Jesus name. However, salvation is a major key to partaking in the manifestation of miracles and that is why I will admonish you to join the salvation chariot now if you are yet to surrender your life to Jesus.Say after me; Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sinful state, wash me in Your blood and be my Lord and personal Savior from now on. You can then join the rest of us to maximize the benefits of this season. Congratulations and God bless you!

Friday, 30 August 2013


Just a few years down the line a young was born in a remote but now a city in the South-West region of Nigeria, West Africa. Growing up wasn't a bed of roses because he didn't meet the real silver with which his senior ones had used in feeding. He was very brilliant at his work in school but as he grew he joined himself to older friends which he took as his normal friends. 

This older friends instigated him into very riotous living which led him into drinking and smoking but as God will have it, he never got addicted. Once or twice, he was in the police custody for home-crimes which almost landed him in jail save the fact the fact that he was under aged. On his return on one of his arrest, he gave his life to Jesus after being ministered to by a Pastor who was then a tenant on his father's estate.

He became baptized in the Holy Ghost under the ministration of one of the greatest men of God in Nigeria, West Africa which change his approach to life and scripture, ever since he has grown both spiritually and physically till today. I AM THAT YOUNG MAN AND TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! If I can be what I am today then, anybody can be anything he dreams.

I have therefore dedicated this day to JESUS for saving me, making me what I am today and my hope of a beautiful future. That is why I will just ask you a simple question; do you know Jesus? If yes congratulations but if no, you are missing a lot and you’ve got lots more to lose because every day passed without Jesus is lost with lots of blessing. However, He can help you redeem your lost days and years if you will just get to meet Him today.

Why am I hammering this much on you getting to meet Jesus? It’s simple; 2Corinthians 5:17 tells it all saying;

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”

The above scripture is straight and direct even a lay man should understand the terms and conditions of knowing Jesus. Jesus is all about CHANGE or call it TRANSFORMATION! I simply want old things to pass away in your life and all things to become new for you as touching your marriage, carrier, job, finances, ministries, health etc. Are you satisfied with your current status or ready for a dream-like turn around? Then say after me; Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sinful state, wash me in Your precious blood as I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour, Amen.

Congratulations! Now old things are passed away from your life and all things have become new. The best menus you could ever serve God on your birthday are souls. And to you my friends remain blessed as you both celebrate and thank God for adding another year to me. God bless you and I love you all.

Thursday, 29 August 2013


Yesterday we were made to understand that sin is neither an accident nor a coincident, it is an act that requires the will power of its victim. In other words, you must agree to the terms of sin for you to be able to commits.  We therefore concluded that sin was both conceived and born. Today we’ll be looking at the consequences of that fall.  Romans 5:15 which has been our anchor scripture still holds for this part, it says;

“Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned”

a.     There was a loss of communication and fellowship with God, Isaiah 59:2, Eph 2:11-12
b.    Spiritual death took its toll on mankind-Rom 6:23, Physical death-Heb 9-27 followed by eternal death-Rev 20:15
c.     Man exchanged his nature of righteousness and truth for that of sin and debt to sin, Gen 5:3
d.    Man (God’s children) became slaves to satan, 2Tim 2:26
e.     Satan became the father of mankind be reason of their new nature, John 8:44
f.       Man lost his God-given authority to the devil
g.     Man lost dominion to the devil
h.     Man lost his dominion over diseases, sorrow, hardship and suffering to the devil.

Conclusively, sin has consequences. Do not believe the lies of the devil. You might have read in your bible that no sinner shall go unpunished and you are asking but where does God’s mercy come in here? God is merciful and 1John 1:9 tells us that He is faithful and just, all you need do is confess and He will forgive and in fact forget it. However, whatever consequences that surfaces afterwards will be faced by you. For instance, if you contact AIDS in the process of committing fornication and you ask God for forgiveness, sure He will forgive you but you’ll require a further dose of mercy to get healed. Be wise!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Man fell through Adam and chose to disobey God and believe the lies of the devil. Adam changed the course of the human race by falling into sin. Romans 5:12 says;

“Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned”

Everything that has ever found its way onto this planet had gone through a conception and birthing process. Sin was birth through Adam so also was righteousness through our Lord Jesus Christ in other words; there is absolutely nothing, visible or non-visible that wasn’t born one way or the other.

Hence, how did satan successfully impregnate Adam before he birth sin? Satan made Adam to believe the following about God:

a.     That God was a liar, Gen 3:4
b.    That God was deceitful and did not really have the love of His creatures at heart, Gen 3:5. Also that He had no plan for their improvement
c.     That God was unfair by not giving them that which was their ultimate good
d.    Denied the essence of God’s character i.e. truth and righteousness
e.     Blasphemed God, spoke irreverently about God and painted Him in bad light

Unfortunately, many in the body of Christ still fall to these same tricks today. You will agree with me that the same tricks satan want to floor Jesus with in Matthew 4:3-11 are still as potent as ever in the devil hands today in flooring believers. That is why scripture admonishes that we are watchful and prayerful. Do not be a victim of false teachings but be delighted in the Word of God. Read, Study, Memorize, Meditate and do it; I believe by so doing you will be pregnant with truth and righteousness and there will be no room for the devil’s lies. Tomorrow we’ll be looking at the consequences of the fall of man. God bless you.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


 I promised to let you into the secret of the incorruptible nature of every believer both the conscious and the unconscious. Unfortunately, it is the truth you know that you take advantage of or better put, which works for you. The components are recorded in John 3:5 saying;

“Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of WATER and of the SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God”

Water which is the word of God and the Spirit of God are the two components that make up for the incorruptible nature of every genuine believer without which he/she CANNOT lunch into the incorruptible realm of God’s kingdom both on earth and in Heaven. 1John 3:9 goes on to say that with this nature it has become absolutely impossible for its carrier to sin. I just gave you the secret to living a sin-free or guilt free Christian life. Praise the Lord!

Now back to our core subject, like will only attract like. In other words, the incorruptible believer can only be gunning for an incorruptible crown. So very quickly let me give you a step-by-step breakdown of the Christian race.

a.     First, there will be a gathering. Here God draws you to Himself, John 6:44 says;
“No man comes to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him…”

b.    Salvation will be next, here you’ll be washed in the blood of Jesus, 1John 1:7
c.     God draws closer to Himself a few chosen which eventually becomes His favourites, Matt 22:14. These group of people don’t come to God because of what they want but because they love Him; they are the sanctified, Phil 1:20, Gal 2;20
d.    Holy Spirit baptism. Now that you are sanctified God can trust you with His power. Act 1:8
e.     You’ll begin to speak with new tongues and begin to work for Him. Then He’ll begin to release His gifts to you; you are also admonished to covet the best gifts, 1Cor 12;7-11, 3
f.       The manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit however, gifts are destructive if not properly handled. Gal 5:22-23
g.     God will finally bring you into perfection, 2Tim 3:16-17

Conclusively, Christians must have these experiences to be able to obtain the incorruptible crown. I also think it’s necessary for you to do a self appraisal by asking yourself, where am I on this ladder? Remain blessed and see you at the top where we’ll be to receive our incorruptible crown.