
Monday, 30 September 2013


“…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” John 6:63b

There is always a word for the season. Where I come from; there are different forms of greeting for different occasions. You don’t go the place of mourning bringing them the greeting of celebration. Jesus said His words are “spirit” not “spirits” and because we are as He is, our words are spirit.

Hence, Hebrew 1:7 reveals to us that this spirit is your angel. Just as in Luke 7:1-10 as it applied to the case of the Centurion and his servant encountering Jesus via His spirit (word); your words are your messengers.

Conclusively, without beating about the bush send your words where you want to be. Shalom!

Sunday, 29 September 2013


“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Psalm 119:105

A day or time comes in every man’s life when all his struggles come to a sudden halt and by this I don’t mean the event of death rather I mean for instance, from weeping to rejoicing, complaining to praising God, ill to being healed etc. For you that day and time is today!

However, worthy of note is one crucial fact; that the coming of light precedes such turn-around. That light knows where you ought to be so He just takes you there. You will agree with me that travelling at night without your headlamps will either make your journey sluggish or even stalled.

That is why our opening text talks about lamp unto feet and light unto path. Light makes your journey extremely fast and easy. We can therefore deduce that many are either not making progress in the journey of life today or even sluggish because their light hasn’t come because unto your light comes, rising will be a struggle, Isaiah 60:1.

Hence, it is always better and advisable to follow the light. However, the light I am introducing to you is a person in the form of words. John 1:1-4 says;

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.... In him was life; and the life was the light of men”

Jesus is that light and He is saying to you now;

“...Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” Matthew 4:19

He is the maker of colourful destinies; the repairer of faulty foundations; the healer of broken hearts etc. He is saying to you; follow me and I will make you what you cannot make yourself. He has sent me to tell you to turn the light-way. Heed the instructions you are receiving from the word of God through His servants this season because that’s the light that will lead you to your haven.


Saturday, 28 September 2013


“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; BEHOLD (SEE), all things are become new” 2Cor 5:17

Your speed or even how far you can go in life is essentially determined by what and how far you can see. Our opening text is a very popular scripture we quote every now and then but very few harness its benefits. Many wonder why old things still persist even after they have given their lives to Christ; it is simply because they aren’t seeing the new. Now in Jeremiah 1:11-12 God asked Jeremiah;

“...what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an almond tree. Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it” 

In other words until you have seen correctly God is not obliged to perform His word. You can therefore be able to quote the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation and still not have anything to show for until you are able to see yourself in it. Can you see what is written? That is faith and of course where your imaginative power comes to play.

For instance, John 10:10b promises everyone in Christ abundant life; do you see yourself in that light? The word of God becomes active when you begin to see yourself as it is. Scripture says “as He is so are we in this world” but can you see it? What can you see?

You are being shown the pathway to prosperity or divine health through scriptures; the way to tap into it is to see yourself as being prosperous or living in divine health even if you are confined to a wheeled chair respectively. Philippians 4:19 says God will supply all your needs but the big question is, do you see Him doing that for you?

Conclusively, the pictures you are able to generate with and on your mind which is the architectural board of your life is your future and that not a distance away but your next minute experience. See well to live because what you see is who you are. Shalom!

Friday, 27 September 2013


"And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus thou son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace, but he cried the more a great deal..." Mark 10:47-48

You are familiar with the story from which the above scripture was coined out I assume. As a way of reminding you: that's the account of blind Batimeus who beg alms by the road, guess you can remember now. We live in world where the majority has left fate to direct their course of life, even amongst the body of Christ. This shouldn't be.

Jesus is word! That is to say that accepting Jesus is accepting the word life. Therefore, if you weren't the talking type before you accepted Christ, you must become one. Believer live by words. Jesus said in Matt 4:4 that man I.e. the believer shall not leave by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of God's mouth. Believers are talkers.

You can't be quiet and get anything out of life as a Christian. May be you have been too quiet hitherto, start talking your way to the top. What you say is what you'll get or become. If you will vividly analyse your life now, you'll agree with me that you have come as far as your words have come or gone.

The blind man in our text understood this principle I am sharing with you today and took advantage of it. When others passed he begged for alms but when Jesus passed he changed is approach. Now the people around tried to stop him just like some people are trying to talk your life down and out today but he wouldn't just take it; he cried the more. Instead of keeping quiet, please cry the more a great deal. Did it pay off for him? Yes!

"And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called...." Mark 10:49

I see Jesus standing still for you now! Making positive confession even in the face of trouble pays a great deal. The three Hebrew boys in Daniel 3 confessed their escape from the fiery furnace before it happened. Don't stop talking faith, Jesus is faith! He will come through for you.

Have a great day.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28

Jesus said to His disciples that whoever desires to be great in life must be ready to either become as a child in his/her dealings or serve which could be under any taskmaster. Because of the atmosphere under which we live today in the world, it is very easy to give-in to circumstances and situations in the bid to survive the torrent.

I am sent to you in particular, yes you! Our opening verse talks about how things work for some people. People who have surrendered their lives to Jesus. These people, scripture says walk by faith and not by sight, 2 Cor 5:7. Their lives are not controlled by what they see because they know that whatever is visible to the naked eye or could be caught by any of our physical senses are temporary.

You might have been rejected somewhere or even denied justice or something that belongs to you legally. A lie might have been told about you; don't give-up please. Am I saying that you should take delight in trouble? No! It is simply because all things will turn out for your good because you Gods'. His purpose for your life has been saddled with the responsibility to secure you to the very end. He enlarges the ground under your foot lest your foot slide.

Rejoice, again I say rejoice because the best is on its way. You are called according to God's purpose and He alone is to be feared and not fellow creations. Let the thought of ALL THINGS WORKING TOGETHER FOR YOU never leave you whenever you are stock as it were because it's not meant to mar you but to make you.

Now, unto Him who is able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that you imagine or ask be all the glory for that predicament in which you are presently because your joy cometh.

Good day and God bless you!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


I will briefly share with you this timeless truth relating your destiny to the company or friends you keep at every given time or period. Many of us are guilty of misinterpreting the essence or purpose of people around us whether related to us directly or indirectly per time. Everyone around you matters to the fulfilment of God’s purpose for our lives and that is why God put them there.

Let me say very profoundly that everyone is presently in your life or that have ever been are there because God put them there to help you directly or indirectly fulfil His purpose for your life. Unfortunate, some of us go around still bitter about a wrong or the other done to them by a friend or relative in the past. We just find it difficult to forget because we haven’t forgiven them genuinely. This as indirectly hindered many from making noticeable progress unknowingly. Sure, many in the body of Christ are stock here and that list might just include you.

Hence, we can deduce that many don’t have their petitions or prayers granted because they carry bitterness against their friend for wrongs done to them. Interestingly, you could have innocently offended, no doubt. Jesus never sinned but died for the sin of His killers. Jesus admonishes in Matthew 5:23-24 that;

“...if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there remember that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift”

God is saying to somebody now “no more moving in circles, it is time to make progress”. Forgive and let go for your own sake. You see, you do yourself more hurt than you do the one against whom you hold an offensive. Take the necessary steps and move on. I am a testimony to what I am sharing with you now, I approach anyone who I feel as offended and express myself though, my voice could be moderately high but after expressing my mind, I am back on board with you again. So just let go. Place a call to that person you’ve vowed never to call again, by doing this you will be giving glory to God in your life and shaming the devil.

Finally, let me use Judas Iscariot as a case round up my claims on friends in relation to destiny. Judas was chosen just like every other disciple; he was destined to be one of the church’s pillars but he got carried away by the wave of monetary gain as he approached destiny. He was Jesus’ disciple with whom He did things in common as well as with others. In my own opinion, I feel the devil had his eyes more on Peter than he did on Judas because Jesus confirmed it saying;

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” Luke 22:31-32

But you might want to ask, didn’t Jesus pray for Judas as well? Or was He showing any form of partiality? Not at all, Jesus understood that there is a relationship between the friends/disciples around Him and the fulfilment of His purpose. That is exactly what I am passing into your spirit through the Holy Spirit. It must become a part of you, you must carry this reality in both you consciousness and sub-conscious.

Conclusively, Jesus could have fulfilled His purpose without Peter, James or John but definitely not without Judas. On this wise, it is important that I let you know that you are also fulfilling a purpose in the lives of those you are related to directly or indirectly but the big question is, are you fulfilling a negative or positive purpose? For this one, the choice is yours. You can choose not to fulfil a purpose to the detriment of your eternal life. God bless you.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


“And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight” Mark 10:51

When you don’t know what you are worth, you will be made to accept whatever is offered for you. It is being said that “once the purpose (worth) of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable”. You can abuse yourself if you don’t know your worth. Psalms 82:2 says;

“...Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes”

In other words, you have no choice but to accept the fate of ordinary men as long as you don’t know that you are gods. You must get to know who and what you are worth. This you can do successfully by studying ardently the word of God which is the manual of your creation.

Now, our opening scripture is an event that took place during the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus. He was passing through a region when a blind beggar called for His attention with a loud voice. He cried the more even when people tried to shut him down. But Jesus heard him, stopped and sent for him. Jesus went on to ask “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” Wasn’t that strange for Jesus to have asked such a question seeing that the man was blind?

Jesus wanted to know his price. In other words, he was asking the man to name his price; what can I do for you? What am I capable of doing for you to best of your knowledge of Me? Sincerely, Jesus had to give the blind man an open cheque in case he wanted anything different from the restoration of his sight.

Conclusively, a few lessons worth learning from our case study is that; Jesus always answer calls or prayers as you may know it and then name your price, He will pay because He is both able and willing. Don’t just settle anything, what do you really want? Is a definite question which requires nothing but a definite answer. In case you have been stock here, be free now in Jesus. Live as a god in your world, which is your real worth.  God bless you.