
Tuesday, 31 December 2013


Lions feed on fresh venison. In the same vein, children of God by design don't feed on staled mercy, grace, word etc. You will agree with me that there are only a few dishes that retains its initial taste and palatability after 24hrs; pounded-yam is one of such dishes....

What am I saying in essence? That God has designed us(His children) to live on fresh lives. 2013 has been a great year but it is written that our paths as believers are like the shining light which shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day, Prov 4:18.

Going by the above scripture, I have an insight into the year 2014 that it shall be one of "Greater Glory". It is therefore high time you drop yesterday's luggages because its late and gone. God remains the only being permitted to access both present and past; leave both to Him.

Finally, Lamentations 3:23 assures us of God's fresh mercies every single day. Whatever happened yesterday; the fact that you are reading this write-up is a proof that God's mercy has prevailed. Only fresh mercies prevails.

Good morning.

Saturday, 28 December 2013


To be fearful is to break a spiritual law which incapacitate other spiritual security laws from working. People find it difficult travelling during festive seasons such as we are in now because of the fear of an unforseen accident or mishap.

Now this goes strictly to believers in Christ. Colosians 3:3 reads;

"...your life is hid with Christ in God"

From the day I caught this revelation a chunck of me died spiritually to fear bringing about a resurrection with huge life/courage. Let me share another scripture with you before giving the key-doses of today's write-up. Mark 3:27 reads;

"No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, EXCEPT HE WILL FIRST BIND THE STRONG MAN; and then he will spoil his house"

Firstly, satan and his cohots are the seemingly strong men reffered to above. It is important that we recognise their existence and purpose according to John 10:10a.

Secondly, at salvation the part of us the devil is capable of tampering with died leaving us incorruptible(untouchable), 1Peter 1:23.

Thirdly, we are now one with Christ by reason of the nature we share; you will agree with me that no one keeps her food stuffs in the toilet. In the same vein, we are where Christ is now even though we are still seen around here, we are sitted with Christ in heavenly places far above principalities and powers etc, Eph 2:6, 1:20-22.

Conclusively, whoever will get you must first of all get Christ which we all know is impossible; believers are not meant to be fearful in any situation or circumstance, it can only work together for our good. Only unbelievers are unsecured in a world where the devil is roaring around like a lion looking for who to devour but he wouldn't find you in Jesus name. Shalom.

Good morning.

Friday, 27 December 2013

Concrete Commitment

It was and is never part of God's plan/vision for man/you to live one second without Him. However, for those of you who like me are bent on reaching the very top in life, I must tell you that only a close walk/fellowship with God through His Holy Spirit can achieve this.

I gradually approached this reality until I read a book titled "The Journey into your Vision" authored by Bro Gbile Akanni. Hence, the irony of this present age is that very few read books. We'd rather waste precious time surffing the internet for frivolous informations and captions.

If you will devote as much commitment and time as you do to clubside football matches and chatting on BBM or other social network like "2go etc" going nowhere to devouring vital information from anointed authors around the world, you will soar in no time. Apostle Paul understood by books because on different occassion will you find him send for his books even in prison and that gave him success of writing two-third of the new testament.

A new year is fast approaching by God's grace and I'll want you to approach it with such a determination to be more spiritually declined and commited to God's service; to seek vital information without which you will be deformed and also to be concrete about your mission to the very top I.e. The fulfilment of your purpose on earth.

Conclusively, pray to God that He will help you not to just exist but to live an eternally rewarding life all through your remaining stay on earth in Jesus name, Amen.

Good morning and God bless you.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

You Are An Oasis

Truth always displaces lies just the same way light is to darkness once introduced. Still basking in the celebration of Christmas, let me charge you with a thought this morning; you are an oasis.

What is an oasis? It is a fertile land in desert or a place/time of relief. Scripture says;

"Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto Moses" Joshua 1:3

God speaking in the above scripture to you through Moses made His mind known to you that you are a blessing just where you are. Now, contrary to the general belief that there is a particular location where you can prosper; God is saying to you who have accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour that you are that location; the carrier of the blessing; the salt and light of the earth.

In other words, you make things happen wherever you go as led and made possible by the Holy Spirit. God meets you just where you are; you are the conveyor/carrier of the blessing you seek; simply look inward. You will agree with me that you must be leaving something undone to be disobedient.

Conclusively, God is saying to you that if you will trust Him where you are now; belief in His strength at work in you; His blessing inside you will manifest outside and you will move on to bless your sphere of contact or world. God's plan/heartbeat is not that you (a believer) seek to be blessed but to be a blessing to your world. Congratulations.

Good morning and happy boxing day.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Our God Reigns!

God is the only King I know of whose tenure never expires; He enthrones and dethrones kings. Really, in what other could we describe the greatness of our God? God says in Revelations 1:18:

"I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and death"

Gbam!!! He holds the keys of hell and death that could have been a threat to His endless reign. Awesome!

Conclusively, Matthew 28:18 tells us that He is in custodian of all power in Heaven and earth. One way to acertain that our God reigns is to appreciate the privilege given me to send you this piece and also you being able to digest it. Let somebody say "our God reign".

Good morning and merry Christmas.

Monday, 23 December 2013


I sent you a broadcast last night saying that you can't pray effectively if you are unable to communicate effectively. Unfortunately, many talk but very few communicate and they are the few who have and are marking the sands of time.

I will be rounding-up on this series talking about the power of words today however, it will be a consistent icing on top of our cake from now because it cannot be over emphasized.

Hence, to communicate effectively inffers to mean that the communication circle is completed during any communication process. The circle consist of the Encoder (sender), message, and the Decoder (reciever); until these three participate effectively you will not be said to have communicated or at the your best, you will be said to have made noise.

There are lots of noise making reffered to as praying in the body of Christ today because Heaven (reciever) finds it difficult to decode messages reaching her. Why? Because what reaches them has nothing in common with scriptures. For instance, 1John 5:14 says;

"This is the confidence that we have in Him that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He hears us"

It is "if" because many are known not to: it is not a common practice. You see why your words don't produce positive results? Even though all words produce, the irony of it is that if Heaven doesn't respond due to uneffective communication, hell will respond because they will catch the signal.

Conclusively, you can't afford to just talk in the place of prayer even anytime and anywhere, you must learn to communicate. How? Make sure what's proceeding from you mouth is first of all in accordance with scriptures (His will) and then what's in your heart in other words, don't mean one thing and say another. God bless you.

Good morning.

Friday, 20 December 2013


The tongue of dogs and several other animals have been discovered to be medicinal and clean. Poor Lazarus understood this so he allowed dogs to lick his wound so as to get the treatment he was being denied by the rich man, Luke 16:21.

Also you would have noticed that most animal especially the dog and cat family don't take their young ones to the stream for baths, they simply lick their bodies. There must be something about their tongues, it cleanses.

This takes us back to the series we began early this week on the power of our tongue through words. Scripture make it clear that it is words that sanctified us, John 17:17, 1Tim 4:5. Hence, it follows that if we are able to master our words, we have mastered our world.

Scripture also goes on to affirm that it is the Temple (your body) that sanctifies the offering in other words, whatever you (sanctified and born-again temple) come in contact with is sanctified. In the same vein, your presence anywhere should create an indelible influence no matter how small.

Conclusively, if you will arise and shine now that your light has come and you are the light of the world, Kings will come to the brightness of your rising and by this you will be sterilizing your world; cleansing her from all her uncleaniness. Use your tongue to sterilize your world only saying what you want to see.

Good morning.

Thursday, 19 December 2013


It is amazing how much the subject of your words being the compass of your destiny cannot be over emphasized. I cannot just stop, this subject is the icing on the cake of every message. Now John 5:50 points us to another event where Jesus sent His words just as we are admonished to do today;

"Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way"

As he left Jesus, someone met him to tell him that his son was healed. Let's take a few thoughts to heart from this event:

1. You must believe in yourself, even in that ability of God that can accomplish anything in you

2. Your natural appearance or strength isn't a criteria, once your words are gone turn your back on that situation

3. The moutains of life only skip when men of their words/faith move towards such moutains

4. Once you have asked/sent your words, immediately get into the place of thanksgiving which is the receiving end

5. The situations don't have to change with your eyes wide open at them, just go thy/another way.

Conclusively, many are stuck today because they have refused to go their ways in other words, change your prayers, go the way of thanksgiving; our God is progressive so, once you present your petitions go ahead to thank Him for them; that's the faith that works. Hallelujah!

Good morning.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013


The subject of barreness as been ascribed to affect child bearing alone; that's not true because it cuts accross all sphere of life, business, ministry, career, Job etc. Hence, for some days now I have been sharing thoughts with you on the influence of your words over your life and just last night I said to you that you must never "say" what you don't want to "see".

This are all simple instructions that will profit you immensely if administered correctly. Let me add today that none is permitted to be barren in the land. You are either producing negavtive or positive results but it remains a fact that none shall be void of result, Exodus 23:26.

Scripture makes it clear that life and death are both in the power of the tongue(words), Proverbs 18:21. Your tongue is your destiny; your tongue caused whatever you are experiencing today. If Joseph had not told his dream to his brothers it is most likely he wouldn't have reached his destiny. In case what you are going through now is unpalatable, never mind as long as your words are pure/right/positive they will get you to your desired destiny.

Conclusively, your words are the decorators of your destiny and channels through which your land remains productive all year round but the produce whether good or bad is determined by your choice of words usage. God bless you.

Good morning.

Saturday, 14 December 2013


Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that time is linked to every event in every man's life whether good or bad. Your lifes' events are timed and seasoned. However, Daniel 2:21 tells us that God is the controller of time and season.

Friends, my admonishment this morning is brief: give God "full control" of your time and season. If you do, He will make them to favour you all your life. Unfortunately, many a believer have little or nothing to show for their long term faith because they only confessed Jesus as their Lord and Saviour but never gave Him control of their time and season.

Conclusively, allow God to have His way, let Him control your time and season and you will be productive all year round. Say "Father, be in control of my time and season hencforth in Jesus name" Amen.

Good morning.

Friday, 13 December 2013


Jeremiah by the Holy Spirit described God's mercy as new/fresh every morning. Believers don't live on staled mercy because Lions feed on only fresh meat wherein lies their strength.

As I beheld a portrait where Jesus carried an ewe in His arm, I imagined and had a better understanding of Jeremiah's description of God's mercy in Lamentation 3:22-23

Conclusively, God is tender in His handling of "His" children. Believers are at an advantage when it comes to God's care. Take cover under the shadow of the Almighty and enjoy His tender mercy which spans every facet of man's life.

Good morning.

Thursday, 12 December 2013


You must have heard this severally and most times respond that He is good all the time. But my focus this morning is,how good is this God?

Many even in the body of Christ have not maximized His goodness. As i relax in the living room where I'm lodged, I beheld this potrait showing Jesus carrying a baby-lamb in the midst of others and I began to imagine how good this God is. However, John 15:13 gives us the answer directly saying "greater love hath no man than this that a man should lay down His life for His friends".

We can therefore deduce that His love is incomparable or next to none: He joins His own even in fire, Daniel 3:25: He followed Lazarus into the tomb, John 11:38 etc. He will do anything to show His love and goodness.

Conclusively, let's take advantage of His goodness from today: invite Him into every facet of your life however, let it be known to you that His goodness knows no limit nor bound. Hallelujah!

Let somebody say God is good.
Good morning.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


You'll never find a baby crying for fear of falling in his/her father's hand,no! Why most of you still fear inspite of your years of being born-again is because you think you are adults whereas we are forever children in God's hand. Never struggle with him when He choses to carry you on His shoulders.

I've noticed over time that unlike travelling by road where people gist/gest aloud the gist/smiles on the plane is mixed with fear. Then I'm forced to ask, what makes travelling by air more fearful? It is simply a lie from the pit of hell to steal your joy. Never fear death because it is an enemy of your soul.

If only you knew that there is absolutely nothing in the universe that is solid but energy (fast vibrating gas), even your body/ground/house(built with vibrated blocks) etc you will know that safety truly lies in God's hand and being calm/peaceful is the way to show that you trust Him for your safety.

Conclusively, scripture say that believers have the spirit of a sound mind factory fitted in them at salvation and not that of timidity,Rom 8:15. Believers are not permitted to fear while unbeliever can. The Lord said I should tell you that you will land safely in life. Congratulations.

Good morning.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


"...for I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it...." Luke 7:1-10

Many of you are familiar with the story of the Centurion's encounter with Jesus as paraphrased above. Hence, the worst thing that could ever happen to anybody is to have authourity (freedom, health, wealth, connections, vision etc) and not use it because of ignorance.

Ignorance they say is a fast killer disease eaten-up our world today. The devil is doing everything possible to sheild us away from vital information (the Word of God) that would put us where we belong and we are not conscious of it.

Now, the Centurion understood what it meant to have and utilize authority because of his office. The age, colour, height etc of a Policeman doesn't play any role in you stopping when he waves you down, it is the authority backing him that pulls you over; that's why they are forces.

Authority is a force but until you use it, nothing happens. Jesus said in Luke 10:19 that POWER (AUTHORITY) has been given to you, unfortunately you are either suffering from ignorance or wrong application. Interestingly, some men usurp authority on their wives and children that they should be using on situations/circumstance; a champion at home but a weakling before circumstances.

Mark 16:18 tells us that authority to reign is what you get at salvation. If you are not born-again; do that now. Lord Jesus, I come as I am, I accept You as the Lord and Savior of my life. Amen!

Congratulations if you just said that prayer but it doesn't end there; use your authority as kings reign by decree. Let it reflect in your words and actions from now.

Finally, every believer is an authority but he/she must exercise it.

Good morning.

Monday, 9 December 2013


The way many respond to the things/word of God today show that they don't know Him even though they claim they do. The big question here therefore is, which Jesus do you know or is being introduced to you who you find difficult associating with?

By the way, many are not to be blamed for their cold or lukewarm response because they are not clear of which Jesus is being introduced to them or barely have anything to show for their faith.

The sharp rejection of fliers inviting people to the RCCG Holy Ghost Congress which coincidentally begins today by some people I approached yesterday showed that they don't know the Jesus they are being called to meet. Apostle Paul said if the men of old knew Jesus they wouldn't have crucified Him. However, thanked God their ignorance paid off.

Hence, Hebrew 13:8 tells us that Jesus has not changed from who He was yesterday today and will not even for ever. Who is this Jesus? He raised dead Lazarus in John 11, He healed the impotent man in John 5, He fed a multitude with just five loaves and two fishes in John 6 and He prospered Peter's crawling business in Luke 7 etc.

Conclusively, He can perform all these feats and even greater works agin because of His unchanging nature. This same Jesus is who I call you to fellowship with and allow Him transform your life. Yes, The Same Jesus!

Read and meditate on Romans 10:9.

Good morning and please do make out time this week to attend the RCCG Annual HGC to enter the overflow.

Friday, 6 December 2013


“...seedtime and harvest shall not cease” Genesis 8v22

We can go on and on escalating the genes of the seed you carry but according to the scripture above every harvest must be preceded by a seeding. If you go to harvest where you have not sown, you will be arrested and prosecuted.

It is an offence to harvest where you have not sown. So for you to have a harvest you must have sown seeds. To plant a seed is to activate its potentials to produce harvests. Remember, your seed is the word of God and to activate your seed you need;

The bible records that everything that was ever created were created by the word, John 1v3. But your seed is impotent until the force of faith comes to play. But it’s also important that we know how faith comes. Romans 10v17 say;

“ cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God”

For we walk by faith and not by sight. Many have derailed due to trashes they have opened their hearing gates to. And because the just shall live by faith, Hebrew 10v38. No seed can produce without faith because faith is the seeds’ life. However you cannot have strong faith without deep insight.

When you have a close look at Genesis 8v22, you will discover that the seed has time attached to it while the harvest stands alone. This is to say that you must be very time conscious with putting your seed to work while you don’t need to be told when it is harvest time because it will be obvious. Ecclesiastes 3v1-8 says;

 “To every-thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven....”

Time is a critical factor in the sowing of seeds. Your seed and time are related so, you can’t have one while you leave the other. They must go hand in hand. Hence, the procedure for the planting and harvesting of maize is different from that of cocoa. Your time is your season and once missed, you might have to wait for another season. For instance scripture advice that we seek God early when He may be found, Psalm 32v6, Isaiah 55v6.

That means times will come when even though He is everywhere, He will decide to be silent. So watch it that you sow at the right time which could be regulated by your motive.

 Joshua 1v8 says;

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shall make thy way prosperous and thou shall have good success”

Your amounting to anything meaningful in life is tied to your meditating continually in God’s word. You need a daily update. Lions don’t feed on yesterday’s meat but on fresh meat daily. You can’t afford to feed on staled food to maintain a healthy living. By the way, what are you going to do outside when you have not gotten the master’s instruction? Is He not the reason why you live? Many have rushed out early in the morning without the command of the master via His word into their early graves.

You wouldn’t die before your time in Jesus name. So be an ardent consumer of God’s word. These three ingredients will keep you above situations and circumstances. Be good. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Permit Your Desires

Many suffer unneccessarily today because they have refused to permit that which they desire to manifest. You ask me, how can one desire something so much yet stand in its way? Its possible!

Matthew 18:18 is one scripture that is stuck to me, it says that only what you permit is permitted in Heaven which is contrary to many's opinions that it is Heaven that controls what comes into our lives. On the other hand, it goes on to say that only the things we disallow here on earth are disallowed in Heaven.

This is an eye-opener into your glorification today, you might want to ask; does it mean that I've had a hand in certain things especially negative manifesting in my life? I will be a little bit in your face and I'll say, yes! Does it also mean that I've been standing in the way of certain positive things from manifesting in my life? Yes!

Go ahead now disallow poverty, disease, failure, rejection etc and begin to affirm/permit success, health, prosperity, victory, abundance of life etc by simply saying Father, I Olukunle Esan (fill in your name) disallow(mention...) and allow/permit (mention...) henceforth in my life in Jesus name.

Conclusively, your present lifes' condition is the sum total of that which you both permitted and disallowed.

Good morning!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Joy Of Restoration

Life could be miserable outside Eden, if you doubt me ask Papa Adam and Mama Eve. Apostle Peter described the Joy Of Restoration as unspeakable, 1Peter 1:8.

The Chief Butler of King Pharaoh got so carried away by this unspeakable joy that he forgot the one who interpreted his dream in prison, Gen 40:20-23. Isaiah 54:4 goes on to tell us that when you begin to operate in the joy of restoration you will outrightly forget that you ever suffered.

The message here is simple, get back aboard God's plan and purpose for your life and begin to experience the joy of restoration.

Conclusively, giving your life to Jesus Christ is fundamental as well as living right are key to operating in the joy of restoration.Hence, restoration to the King's service avails you so much opportunity to both be celebrated and rejoice than you can ever imagine.

Get back on board as you pray saying: Father restore me back to your service where I've missed it in Jesus name. Amen
Good morning.