
Saturday, 18 October 2014


The Chinese bamboo defies every proof of life in its first four years of being planted but in its fifth year grows 80fts tall within the first six weeks. Patience is one core ingredient of faith without which it remain impotent and unproductive. Cast not away your confidence (patience)...for you have need of patience...for yet alittle while and he that shall come will come and not tarry, Heb 10:35-37. Patience is key to receiving from a God you can't see with your naked eyes. Shalom.

Friday, 17 October 2014


"Better is the end of thing than the begining thereof..." Ecc 7:8 The Christian faith is one with proofs and is validated by signs and wonders, Mk 16:17. Our God is therefore eternally enthroned and always doing what He knows best; performing signs and wonders and we are witnesses of these things. Our just concluded months of Divine Manifestation, Freedom and Double Grace have been wonderful; tremendous testimonies being recorded amongst which a bridged baby was born normally a few days after the doctors gave that sad report. Admissions into the university were granted a number of our students and businesses took positve turns just to mention a few. For these and many more we are grateful to God: sure you have testimonies and please don't hesitate to edify the Church by sharing them. As the year 2014 closes up, I understand that a number of goals set at the begining of this year haven't been met and you are sad about this but I've come to inroduce "The God of the Eleventh hour and Joy to the world" to you. He is never late; He isn't slack as you may count slackness. He asked me to tell you "cheer up, it isn't over, He is coming through for you now". To further buttress the introduction is this never-too-late God, He had shown up and wrath wonders at times like this in time past. For instances: -Peter's business had died completely by the time the God of the eleventh hour showed up and changed his story, Lk 5:1-7 -The only son of the widow of Nain was about to be buried when He showed up and restored her joy, Lk 7:11-15 -Also the widow of Zarapeth was about eating her last meal before dying when this God stepped into her case, 1Kg 17:8-16. Friends, there is nothing worse than consciously going on a death mission, Matt 26:38 -Sarah had given up on child bearing to such an extent that she laugh at God when He told her husband she will bring forth her Isaac in nine months but He came through for her, Gen 18:11-15. -Lazarus had died for four days, he was decayed already but God stepped in and he lived again, John 11:43-44 -Jarius had thought his connection to this God was vain the moment news reached him that his dauther was dead but because death can't stop Him, the girl lived again, Mk 5:35-43 -The woman with the issue of blood had spent all she had, travelled abroad but couldn't get cure for her predicament. God stepped into her case, Mk 5:25-34. Just to mention a few as time and space wouldn't permit me to mention the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda for about 38years, Jhn 5:1-12; Blind Bartemeus, Mk 10:46-52; the lame man at the gate called beautiful, Acts 3:1-8; Hannah in 1Sam 1; Elizabeth in Lk 1:36 etc. But let me draw your attention to something very important, Peter lost the sight of Jesus to the fear of a boisterous wind as the case might be for you and began to sink: doubt began to sink him but he cried out to Jesus for it is written whosoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved, Rom 10:15, Matt 14:28-31. Doubt drains your faith which in turn robs you of your testimonies. Conclusively, please join the salvation chariot on this bulletin if you aren't saved. Hence, I want to congratulate you in advance: you thought it was too late for you to achieve those remaining goals? God asked me to tell you, cheer up/rejoice/jubilate/celebrate, if He came through for others in time past, even now He is coming through for you and your future is secured because He is the same yesterday, today and for ever, Heb 13:8. Shalom.