
Monday, 31 March 2014


Many of us are familiar with the event of the burning bush which involved Moses and a situation where he saw with his naked eyes, a bush burning without being consumed, Ex 3:1-4. Life is made up of events; both good and bad. In other words, life isn't complete without events.

However, God's children have the assurance that we have being designed to have ALL event work together for our good, Rom 8:28. In other words, for you are to live a successful christian life, the mixture of good and bad events must be correct, 1Cor 10:13.

Conclusively, I am sent to a few of you whose lives events at the moment could be synonymous to the burning bush; you don't just know why you are the candidate for such events. It seems like hell is loose against just you. I have good news for you, God needs your attention: if only you will answer Him saying; Lord, here I am, what will You have me to do? God wants to use you and if you surrender to Him, you wouldn't regret you did. You are rest assured that if He uses you; you are blessed. Shalom.

Sunday, 30 March 2014


Mark 4:35-44 tells us of an event which took place in Jesus' days while He moved His disciples to crossover from where they were to the other side. He gave an instruction saying "let us cross over to the other side". Can you believe that it just occured to me that Jesus knew there was going which His instruction had taken care of; little wonder He went to sleep. "Let us cross over the sea of water with its storm to the other side" should have been a simplier rendation of that verse. The mystery here therefore is; 1. once His word has gone forth, it takes care of all the obstacles in its way. This applies to those of you who are almost losing hope on words and prophesies that have come to you from God; the good news here is that they will all be fulfilled. 2. You should be Happy that you are being opposed by that toothless storm; it simply means that you are on your way to the other side of where you are now 3. No level of storm is capable of stopping God's promises for you from coming through because in the word/instruction/prophecy lies your immunity. Conclusively, relax because against all odds, you are heading for the other side of your present state; if bad then your oher side must be good and if good your other side must be better....Shalom.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

You and Your Health 2

Yesterday I began to infuse you with thoughts of the moment; unveiling to you how much your mind influences your health. Once you are able to master your mind, you have mastered your health never to fall I'll again.

Let me add a few thoughts today; remember I told you that what every other person thinks about doesn't matter as much as what YOU think about yourself. I also shared with you how certain glands secrete certain quantity of hormones(virtues) which could either be for healing or killing if they are secreted as result of positive/ Happy mood or negative/sad mood respectively.

Be thankful in WHATEVER state you find yourself, 1Thes 5:17-18. Why?
1. You are better off somebody somewhere
2. There is hope for you as long as there is life
3. Your change is within your reach etc.

As you maintain that Happy mood, that gland secretes more and more of that healing virtue into your system and believe me, it is incomparably more effective than any medication will do.  My brother said on the hospital "one ought to always give thanks to God for in whatever state he/ she finds him/ herself". And I knew he was healed; he is doing great today. You too can change someones or even your story with this revelation.

Conclusively,I am not a medical practitioner so there is no way I would have known his if God had not revealed them to me for your consumption. Please pass it on, it is a timeless truth that will not only bodies but destines(carrier, business, ministry etc). God bless you.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

You and Your Health

"Rejoice always, again I say rejoice!....Be anxious for nothing but with rejoicing,prayer and thanksgiving, make your petition known to God" Phil 4:4-6 paraphrased.

How healthy you are is directly proportional to how wealthy you are and vice-verse. You will agree with me that the worst case scenery for any man isn't that state on his sick bed when the Doctors give-up on him but when he gives-up on himself.

Interestingly, man's body was designed by God to be able to heal itself should there be an accident; those we see come to play when you have "minor cuts" and you never apply any medications till it vanishes. Unfortunately, in mans foolishness and unknowing bid to sort himself, he goes seeking solution for the "major cuts". Remember that man named them both minor and major and whatever he called them, that's what they are.

Not to take much of your time let me unveil a dip secret to you; your health status per time whether in minor or major cases as you may tag them is determined by your mind/thought. You want to ask me how? I will let the cat ALL out now and not tarry.

God created check-mechanisms in our bodies called glands; these glands are strategically positioned in our bodies like security men which what they are anyway to secrete liquids called hormones in varying degrees depending on demands placed by our bodies; these demands we place consciously and unconsciously.

Our bodies place such demands on two of these glands when we aren't Happy(hateful,negative,angry,regretful etc) and Happy (positive,loving etc). The secret here is that the gland in charge of the former secretes its hormones in excess in very acute states of the mind which is toxic to the body;in such a state of hopelessness such a body refuses to heal and could die if not checked by you. In the same vein, the gland in charge of the happy mood secretes its hormones (healing virtues) in excess if stimulated by being very happy and hopeful of recovering if sick.Good day.

Friday, 14 March 2014

The Crucified Christian

When God speaks, He is either talking to an individual, family, group or nation but most definitely not everybody at the same time. However, God's word, Spirit behind the letters or higher truth is the anointing for an overflowing or supernatural life.

Apostle Paul, being a father of faith after whom we follow today even as he followed Christ described the believer as "a crucified christian". His he trying to say we are living dead yes? I'll say a emphatic yes to that. We are indeed living dead.

For you to be able to live a righteous life being a prerequisite for the overflowing life and eternal abode,you have to die to the flesh. Scripture admonishes that we mortify the flesh lest we fulfill her lust and be led by the Spirit, Gal 5:16-19. The following are therefore characteristics of the crucified christian being portrayed as a dead man;

1. Just like a corpse,he doesn't have a will of his own; that's the point where Jesus actually becomes his/her Lord. Many accept Him as Savior but very few do accept Him as Lord indeed

2. The C.C. can NEVER sin because the gene of sin has been hung on the cross,1John 3:9; the seed of righteousness has been implanted into him/her at salvation

3. He obeys God's word to detail without questions, John 15:10

4. He naturally nears the fruits of the spirit as lined up I Gal 5:22

Conclusively, as a dead man everything that has to do with his flesh becomes an abomination to him; lieing, anger, hatred, lust, fornication, covetousness etc Gal 5:19 but now being a spirit patterns his life after the laws of the spirit I.e. the revealed word of God as we dish out to you daily from this platform. Good morning and do have a good day.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Higher Truths 2

We started out yesterday on this series saying there are both higher and lesser truths. Before I go on to give you characteristics of the "crucified christian" which we might have to postpone till tomorrow ; please permit me to dig a bit deeper into this series.

Jesus said to His initial disciples: "I have yet many things to say (to us) but ye (His then disciples) cannot bear them now (then)" John 16:12

Jesus meant that there was the need for them to mature before being fed with higher truths. Lesser truths are for babes while higher truths are for the matured christian. People who feed on higher truth have zero tolerance for sin; they don't question tithing or offering,Gal 5:16-21; they are naturally led by higher truths, Romans 8:14, Gal 5:22-25.

Unfortunately, our pulpits today are void of these higher truths because they are kept in the cocoons of revelation, Rev 4:1b-2. That is why Jesus told us ahead of time that it will only take one who live by the Spirit to access these higher truths, John 16:12. Think about his, it is a higher truth to know that it is more blessed to give than to receive. You will therefore agree with me that higher truths contradicts natural laws.

Conclusively,it wouldn't be absurd or unwise to reveal to you that giants of faith feed and live on higher truth and this thy access in he place of quality fellowship with the Holy Spirit who as been saddled by the godhead to lead us into ALL TRUTHS. Shalom!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Higher Truths

"I have been crucified with Christ: and I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the real life I now have within this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me"

Sure you must have recovered from our last discuss; that knot in many a christian today which might just include you. You see, it is not that you get whatever you ask God for that matter but that you get it when you will be honored and He will be glorified in turn. Train yourself never to be in a rush for anything: knowing that whatever you ask God in faith will eventually show up and not tarry, Hebrew 10:37.

Hence,today I will be sharing a few higher truths with you. You might just want to ask "are there higher truths"? Yes there are both higher and lesser truth. Even though both are truth, they are consumed at different levels. For instance John 1:1... is a higher truth to Gen 1:1, why? Because the later is deeper than the former. It is suicidal to feed an eight days old baby with solid food.

In the same vein, John 3:3 tells us the importance of the new birth while Gal 2:20 I.e. our opening scripture gives us a deeper picture. While the former addresses believers as born-again, the later calls them " the crucified". Hence, lesser truths were introduced by God for ease of consumption. We can therefore conclude that christian babes feed on lesser truth while the matured feed on higher truths.

Conclusively,as we look at some characteristics of tomorrow using our theme scripture, I want there to be an unquenchable thirst welling up in you for higher truths from now.By this you will experience tremendous growth in you walk with God. Good morning.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Selfishness is Cancerous.

The young man Onan in Gen 38:8-10 was another promising young man,destined for productivity and heir apparent to the throne of prosperity following his lineage but was cut short for being self-centered. God killed him.

What you are hoarding could lead to your death;it is even foolishness to hoard when he that scatters tends to plenty. You are a vessel in God's hand. Vessel convey and don't contain. I have likened the act of being selfish to being cancerous which of course is the fastest killing demon in the world today.

Conclusively,what is it that good thing you have now that you didn't receive from God? Why then boast and hold on to it like you owned it in the first place. Your time, money,cars,houses,business, children etc could just be the real cancer you are battling with now so,be wise as to repent now and be liberal if you are truely God's child. Good morning.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Being Selfish is An Abuse Of Your Original Nature

Every creature has been programmed to reproduce after their kind and not type. May the fountains of the great deep be opened over you. I will be brief for easy meditation. Gen 1:26-27:

"And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over ALL the earth..."

Here you see the liberal nature of God. Little wonder He loves cheerful givers because they reflect His nature in them. God hates selfishness so much that He killed Annanias and Saphira for being selfish and self-centered according to Acts 5:1-10.

The blessings of God rests with the liberal. Be liberal lest you are sitting on a time bomb. From the scripture above,you will agree with me that the selfish are not of God even if they claim to ne born again.

Conclusively,unlock your heavens with a change of mind. Be liberal. Good morning.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

When God Visits You!

The love of God as we have been sharing lately didnt beging with John 3:16 saying; "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten son...." but with Gen 1:26 when He proposed our creation saying; "let Us make man in Our own image and likeness...". He didnt think it was robbery to be equal with God, Phil 2:6. The devil lied to Eve that God didnt want them to be like Him.... because they were already like Him but they were ignorant of it or didnt excercise it even if they knew. God loved and still loves you.

Today i want to relate to you on a thought i pick from a meeting i attended early last year and because God's word is evergreen, it is as relevant today as it was then. When God visits a man, He leaves His footprints and His footprints are miracles, signs and wonders.

Conclusively, just as way of introducing this series, let me advice that you seek God's visitation this season at all cost through prayer, fasting and studying His word so as to partake in His overflowing blessings this season. Good day.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

You've Not Lost;its ALL For Your Good.

"Nevertheless i tell you the truth: it is expedient that i go away: for if i go not away the Comforter will not come unto you..." John 16:7

good morning and hope you had a splendid night rest. i am up to encourage you this morning to step out with boldness and lots of expectation because it precedes expirience regardless of how dissappointed you have been in times past. i am sent to tell you that you havent lost anything, it all happened for your good.

Jesus told His disciples that He was returning to where He came from and they were sad; they began to think that the miracle breads, escapes etc wouldnt be any longer.But He said in our opening scripture that it was for their good;they or you might have wanted to ask " what could be much better than having Jesus in person?"

The truth is that He came for all and not for just twelve disciples; the wisdom underlaid here is that, for Him to be able to tabernacle in all He had to drop the physical/earthly body and put on the immortal/invisible body, by so doing He will be able to dwell in many believers through the person of who is called the Holy Spirit

Conclusively, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit version of Jesus. In the same vien, your past challenges hitherto and even future ones are blessings in disguise for we KNOW that ALL things work together for our good so, fear not and rejoice; you are blessed.


Monday, 3 March 2014

Stir Up Your Gift!

The type of engine a car carries determines it's speed limit. We have automobiles with one cylinder which are mostly motorcycles; followed by those with two cylinder which are mostly tricycles (maruwa); then we have autos with three, four, six then eight cylinders. All these varies immensely in speed however,. the size of the auto to be built determines the size of its engine.

This takes us steps further to the airbuses; they could be extremely fast and for them to achieve such movement, they are built with tens of cylinder to stir the air and fuel which in turn produces the heat required for movement.

Why all these scientific explanation? Just to botress the science behind stiring up your gift. What you need or want is what you already have but its dormant because it isnt stired. For instance, you stir your soup for it not to get burnt and also achieve the taste you require.

In the same vein, 2Tim 2:6 admonishes us to stir up our gift to flame if we ever desire to fly. Your stiring determines your speed in life.So you could be movingat either the speed of a motorcycle....or jets.

Conclusively, your gift is embedded in the Holy Spirit who in turn takes you to heights in life on the condition that He is stired, inspired and motivated, Prov 18:16 through speaking in tongues, fasting, praying and studying God's word. Shalom!

Good morning.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Solution Pregnant Problems

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" 1Cor 10:13

Just a few more thoughts from our theme scripture in addition to the one we extracted yesterday. The blessings of God's word is hidden in its revelation (underlying fact). The extra thoughts are as follows;

1. That your sustainability in any challenge or trouble you fall into is solely dependent on who your ally is
2. That it is the lineage of "man" and not animals that face challenges and temptation so,there is really not new in hat issue you are in now
3. God is ever faithful to His promise saying "He will neither leave you nor forsake you" also that He wouldn't permit any challenge you can't handle to come your way
4. If God peritted the temptation then He must be aware of your present predicament; this should please your heart friend
5. In or around that problem you are presently facing lies the solution. Problems are programmed to carry their solution along with them everywhere they go so,relax,open your eyes and heart!
6. You are to escape;that's because problems always want to hold down so,you are not supposed to sit down weeping to God. He wouldn't answer you
7. God allows challenges to come your way not to break but make you.

Conclusively,put your problems side-by-side with this scripture and watch your problems shy/melt away. Good morning and God bless you.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Your needs are temptations/trials in disguise

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able: but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" 1Cor 10:13

Let me extract a few thoughts to be taken to heart from our theme sc ripture;

1. There is absolutely nothing new under the heaven
2. Your needs are temptation to test where your heart or sustainability mentality is rooted, John 6:6
3. God is ever faithful
4. God is the solution or way out of any shackle His children may find themselves
5. There is always a way out
6. Worrying will only complicate matters and god hates it with passion so, once worry sets in, God sets out to see how far you can go. However, you never go far, Phil 4:6, Matt 6:32
7. If God therefore be for you as indicated, you can bear anything.

Conclusively, the wisdom here is for you to turn ALL your need wheels to God and you will have them all met, Phil 4:19. Good morning and God bless you.