The type of engine a car carries determines it's speed limit. We have automobiles with one cylinder which are mostly motorcycles; followed by those with two cylinder which are mostly tricycles (maruwa); then we have autos with three, four, six then eight cylinders. All these varies immensely in speed however,. the size of the auto to be built determines the size of its engine.
This takes us steps further to the airbuses; they could be extremely fast and for them to achieve such movement, they are built with tens of cylinder to stir the air and fuel which in turn produces the heat required for movement.
Why all these scientific explanation? Just to botress the science behind stiring up your gift. What you need or want is what you already have but its dormant because it isnt stired. For instance, you stir your soup for it not to get burnt and also achieve the taste you require.
In the same vein, 2Tim 2:6 admonishes us to stir up our gift to flame if we ever desire to fly. Your stiring determines your speed in life.So you could be movingat either the speed of a motorcycle....or jets.
Conclusively, your gift is embedded in the Holy Spirit who in turn takes you to heights in life on the condition that He is stired, inspired and motivated, Prov 18:16 through speaking in tongues, fasting, praying and studying God's word. Shalom!
Good morning.
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