
Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Continuing from where we stopped yesterday; one day a rich young ruler came asking Jesus “what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” in other words, what can I do having achieved the normal and ordinary to access what eye has not seen nor ear heard neither as entered into the heart of any man; and Jesus answered saying;

“Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy Father and thy Mother. And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up” Luke 18v20-21

This rich young ruler knew ‘ways’ such as great success in science and technology, degrees and fat certificates as well as awards too numerous to be counted but Jesus said to him;

“...Yet lackest thou one thing:” Luke 18v22

He thought he knew all he needed to know, he had known enough but Jesus pointed out to him that he still lacked one thing; and this applies specifically to the working class, both old and young graduates today if there is any desire or thirst whatsoever for moving to greater heights in life. In other words, Jesus was trying to tell him that, the way he was plying was good but there was a more excellent way to achieve more and better results.

I know you already have ways; you already have for instance a general definition for success which has been your life gauge. I have good news for you; you don’t have to go the general way because you wouldn’t accomplish any better than others do.

Hence you can’t be doing the same thing and expect any different result. You want different results in your work place? Improve on your inputs and your output will definitely change. The more excellent way is Jesus Christ, John 14v6.

Jesus is Love
In case you are already asking; but how do I then apply Jesus as it were, I have a much simpler and understandable version of Jesus which is Love. Now you can’t claim to Love Christ who you can’t see when you hate your brethren with whom you live and dine daily. 1Corinthians 13v13 says;

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity”

The scripture simply means that Love is in no way ranking with faith and hope as important as they are to your profiting in your Christian race. Apostle Paul says it is vain to give all you have as alms without love being your drive. Study Romans 13v8-10, 1John 4v7, Ephesians 3v18-19

Conclusively, to go the love way; trafficate to your right and turn to Matthew chapter 25 street, house number 34-40 because the most potent display of Love is giving yourself and all you are to God by being blessing to everyone He places in your sphere of contact daily however, the more excellent way is the way of Peace, John 14v27; the way of Faith, 2Corinthians 5v7; the way of abundant life, John 10v10b; the way of the word, Joshua 1v8. You have suffered long enough; you have been on that same level long enough, it is time for you to arise because your light has come. Glory!


There are ways and there are ways; there are ways known to some and not known other. There are general ways; on this path are many treading today. The way is broad and accommodates many foot. There are different ways by which you can access a fenced property but there is one legal way and that is the gate (Entrance).

However, other ways could be scaling the fence, boring a hole through the fence etc but Jesus describe those that come in through this way are thieves, John 1v1. In other words, going in through any other way than the legal way is criminal and punishable under the law. Every good thing of life is fenced and requires a legal right of access to enjoy them.

There are doors that lead to Divine Health, Prosperity, and Deliverance etc. No blessing is a testimony until the proofs are obvious; not just faith-talk here. Apostle Peter though a blessing was wasting away in prison behind gates until those gates were opened for him. In the same vein, there are so many of you out there who are born blessing to your world and not just your family but are languishing behind prison gates of the enemies but those gates are opening now in Jesus name, Amen.

And in case those gates have been questioning your authority all these while this more excellent way will shut them up in Jesus name, Amen.

Hence there are ways already known of the general public amongst which are:
-Lucky once in while
-Fortifying Papers
-Bribery etc

However, in this very short exaltation I will be sharing with you “a more excellent way”; a way that leads to more excellent destinations than you have already known of or ever desired.

Jesus said “I am the way...” This is not a suggestion but an affirmation of not just a fact but a truth. He is the only way that will ever lead you to anywhere meaningful in life. Are you heading for Prosperity, Divine Health, Deliverance, Lucky and Victorious all the way and Fulfillment etc? Then Jesus is all you need.

Unfortunately not many have found this glorious path because it is narrow; it does not look like what they want because they don’t know what they actually need. Friends, when you don’t know where you are going then just anywhere will look like where you are going.

The Lord warned me with a very strong hand not to think the way everyone else does and much more not to fear what they dread, Isaiah 8v12-13. Proverbs 14v12 says that “There is a way that seems good to men but the end is that of death”. Why does it appeal to them?

-Because the devil had made it so, Matthew 4v8-9
-Because so many ply it and because they belong to the school of thought that says if you can’t go against then you join them, Matthew 7v14
-Because it allows for competition as well as oppression. 

We can go on and on with why we have more people on the broad lane. But let me introduce you to ‘The Way’, I mean the more excellent way. Tomorrow I will continue from here.

God bless you.

Monday, 25 February 2013


I have good news for somebody reading this epistle now, those that have said you are nowhere to be found, those that were saying your contribution is not necessary and those saying you should shut up are the once going to usher you to your high table in JESUS name. I don’t know what has been mocking your destiny that thing is watching you move freely to the top in JESUS name.

That is why I will quickly be showing you something from one of the events that occurred during the ministry of JESUS.

“…many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, son of David have mercy on me. JESUS stopped and said call him, so they said to the blind man, CHEER UP, on your feet, he is calling you...” Mark 10v46-52

I want to believe you are familiar with this story. Blind Bartimeus called on JESUS while HE was passing by and asked him for help but the people shut him down. Fortunately for him while he called the more JESUS took notice of him and sent for him. Those who shut him down were his messenger when his voice eventually reached JESUS. They told him to cheer up and became his escort to JESUS.

I will like for you to know that because all things revolves around JESUS, when HE stood still every other thing stood still, not even HIS disciples could go ahead not to talk of the crowed. Just because the one they were following stood still for the sake of one blind nonentity as it were, everybody had to stand still to watch this man being crowned. You need to hear this; I see the universe standing still because you are being crowned now.

Now how do I relate this story to my life you might ask? Use the following few keys;

When a man is blind in this context of study, it means that man can’t see ahead, his future is blurred. So, he doesn’t know what to do since he can’t see is destination; he doesn’t have anywhere to plan reaching. He is motionless and stagnant which of course is the mother of frustration. Using a modern day word, blindness is the same as being without a vision. So, blindness is not limited to the closed eye, there are many with their eyes open but can’t see anything.

You will realize that the blind man in our text realized his need for help and he called for it from the only one who could help him and he didn’t allow the snubbing of the mockers to stop him. He cried the more we were told. That’s why I know that for somebody digesting this message now, you are gaining your freedom now in JESUS name. Please keep calling him until HE takes notice of you but I will like for you to know that JESUS isn’t deaf, HE only wants to see you being eaten up by the zeal of what you are gunning for. The Bible says who shall separate us from the love of CHRIST? Shall trouble or hardship, persecution or famine, nakedness or danger etc Romans 8:35 so, don’t mind those saying you are wasting your time, just keep calling HIM, HE will send for you sooner than anticipated.

What am I passing across to you in this message? Just that you should cheer up and be persistence in your calling, be not weary in well doing for in due season you will get your reward/harvest, Galatians 6v9.
I see GOD taking notice of you from now on as you keep pressing consistently and all who have looked down on you will begin to look up to you. CHEER UP, you are getting there, AMEN.

Sunday, 24 February 2013


By now I am sure you already have one or two testimonies that keeps you coming to this communion table and it’s my prayer that you wouldn’t run dry again. Everything you will ever need to remain fresh all through your life time will be at your reach and you will not need to beg for bread, AMEN.

Today, I am glad to let you know that there is more to being prosperous than we take it to be. In other words there is more to the requirements of remaining at the top, prosperous or a champion for life than you need to get to that level. People are more concern with getting to the top which is good but much better is staying at the top.

Another way to put it is this; you need more grace to remain at the top than you needed to get there. So as we crave to get to the top, we should also learn alongside what it takes to remain at the top.

We have too many ex-champions; they are very good story tellers. They make statements as “when I was…” “Once upon a time…” they don’t know how disgraceful it is to be an ex-champion. Unknown to them is the fact that it is possible to remain a champion for life, how did I know this? Hear what Jesus said in John 10:10;

“…I have come to give life and to give it much abundantly”

God’s blessings are always in abundance. You can’t exhaust them in a life time. As a matter of fact everything you take from Him only leaves more to be taken. However there are people who even people who are named Victor and yet are failures while some are called lucky and have never succeeded in life. So it is not enough to called a name, you have to work that name into manifestation. For instance my name is Olukunle, to me it is Oluwa-kun-ile; meaning God-fill-House. I have it resident in dept of me that every where I find myself, God is there.

Now I will be sharing with you just one secret of sustaining God’s blessings and that keeps you at the top.

“Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But the land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed, in the end it will be burned” Hebrew 6:7-8

Now let’s go gradually;

Rain connotes the blessings of God and we are the land in this context, the scripture above reveals that when you are gunning for God’s blessing and it eventually comes, you are expected to do certain thing with whatever is given to you. It is not for feeding, housing, clothing even though they are part but I am saying they are not the major, you are in charge of the blessing to deliver to those for whom you are blessed of God. God already promised all families of the earth to be blessed through YOU, Genesis 12v3b.

 Yes we agree that people are suffering including you but you have been supernaturally empowered so that you can lift others out of their pits. You must produce food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless, water for the thirsty and many other facility you see are lacking in your environment. So please don’t get it wrong such that when the blessings come its then you know that your country isn’t secured or conducive again and have to re-locate to a so called secured country running away from the people you were watered for.

For some people who have sustained God’s blessing in and around their lives for a long time couldn’t have done that because they are super-righteous or highly qualified; they have sustained it because they had the correct mentality as to what to do with the blessings. Have you ever thought that you don’t really spend much on food when you really have the money? So don’t let your change of status change you from being reachable to being unreachable because you will be shielded from what guarantees your being re-watered.

Most of the time blessings are being released from heaven to those who know what to do with them and much more, knowing what to do with it guarantees you being a champion for life.

That’s why many who have once been rich are now beggars. Their one-time wealth has produced thistles and thorns instead of comfort to the people.

Another excuse people give as a reason why they don’t release what they have in their hand is that of not having enough. Share the little you have to have more. God is in search of men and women who He can use their hands to transfer blessings. Make your hands available to Him from now and watch your life move forward and upward.

Ø Know the basis on which heaven releases her blessings to you.
Ø Ask for the blessings.
Ø Use it for the intended purpose for which it was given.
You don’t need to ask for more, it will come because you are a judicious user. Hence your last dry season you experienced is the last one you will ever see and you will be a champion forever. You will agree with me that the major requirement for sustaining heavenly blessings is to know why it is being given to you and that you use it for that purpose. Bless you.

Saturday, 23 February 2013


Words they say leaves more indelible scares on one than the whip does. Why will ordinary invisible words leave indelible scares, if not that it has an impact? As I read a compilation of messages by an old time faith-full man of blessed memories, I had this subject impressed on my mind. And I couldn’t help writing a few lines which will bring about a tremendous revival in your life.

Every man needs a revival at intervals so as not to be out dated on kingdom issues because scriptures say that we still do not know what we will look like but if we continues in His path we will look like Him when He appears, 1John 3v2. This is to say that it is impossible for any man to have the whole picture of God in a life time. If we follow in His stead, we are certain we will be like Him when He appears.

A scientific laboratory is a place where words (Theory) are translated into pictures (Practical) for a better understanding. In other words a message cannot be successfully delivered if the picture it prints isn’t clear. However the film and entertainment industry uses this technique to fulfill their obligation.

In the same vein, scriptures are scripts implying pictures. God is the best Producer, Writer, Director, Artist etc as we might have them in the entertainment industry. I am not surprised that the devil has taken over the media, doing his best to impress pictures on the minds of people which life in turn prints out for them.

In John 1v14, we read;

“And the Word was made flesh...”

These are interesting words that need to be taken to heart. Don’t allow them slip away. They are your life in summary. Words are invisible but are processed into substances as soon as the message is being understood by the receiver. When you tell someone something, that person doesn’t see the words you use in expressing yourself but generates’ pictures from what is being said.

This is where meditating come in. The place of meditation in laying a hold on our inheritance in Christ Jesus cannot be overemphasized because Joshua 1v8 says that it is the only medium through which good success could be achieved.

Jesus used parables in driving home most of the points He made. However they are parables to those who are not able to generate pictures from them through quality meditation with the help of the Holy Spirit. But to them who take their time to ask questions like His disciples did, it is light, bread, life etc, Luke 8v10.

The word of God is a raw material that wouldn’t deliver your expectations until it has being properly processed into faith. From our opening scripture we read that God’s word was processed into flesh (Faith) through a process called meditation. This gives the word or faith a form or shape. It now possesses all the qualities of a substance. Hence Hebrew 11v1 defines faith thus;

“Now faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, EVIDENCE of things not seen”

From the scripture above we see two qualities of a substance and they are;
-it is handy
-it is visible
This is where so many fail and fall in the journey of faith. They ask “how can my faith become a substance?” it is simple! In Mark 2v1-12 a paralytic man was smuggled into a house where Jesus was ministering for him to have a touch. But in the fifth verse, scripture says Jesus saw their faith. Did they come with anything other than the sick man? No! But the way they came in showed that they believed Jesus could heal the man.

We can therefore conclude that faith is action taken in response to God’s word or testimonies. The man was brought in through the roof because all doors/windows were blocked. Some would make that their excuse for turning back. God says He has no pleasure or interest in anyone who turns back, Hebrew 10v38. You’ve got to press on. Your healing is in the press. The woman with the issue of blood had spent all she had but her predicament only grew worse. Now that she had no money left, she could have easily given up faith but she went in the press haven heard testimonies of what Jesus can do without paying a penny.

I might just have dabbed into your situation. In other words everything I have been inspired to write to you precisely. Relax, your case is settled! Only believe. God has not asked you for too much, just believe. You have heard Him do so many things. Believe those things you have heard Him do, read more about Him in the bible. Spend quality time meditating on Him ability to do the impossible and anything.

Permit me to say that you are nowhere close to your expectations until the word of God or His testimonies have been processed into faith gearing you to speak positively into your situation like the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15v22-28.

Conclusively, God’s word is directly consumed by Angels but it must be converted to faith before we can spend it as a legal tender on earth. Finally just like we can’t spend Dollars in Nigeria unless it is being changed in the same vein, have His word made flesh in you and your expectations will be delivered expressly, John 15v7.   



“And suddenly there came a sound from HEAVEN as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting” ACTS 2v2.

By the special grace of the almighty GOD, I will be sharing with you the mystery behind the wind which we have not taking serious in transporting both our prayers and answers respectively.

First of all, I will like for you to appreciate the fact that there is no voice without air or breath, in like manner there is no rain without the blowing of wind, talking about fire without wind is just a Childs play. Hence, the wind cannot be captured saying; now I have gotten it. Also the wind transports a lot of things visible and invisible, useful and useless, beneficial and harmful, so much.

Furthermore, when the wind blows, so many good things happen. For example in Numbers 11v31-32, the wind blew and there was supernatural supply of meat, in Ezekiel 37vs1-10, the wind blew and corpses became a mighty army, also in Exodus 14vs21, the wind blew and a way was paved a way in the red sea. Why am I telling you all these? It is simply because every wind blowing around you does one thing or the other.

When we look at the 3rd verse of that chapter from where we took our text, it reads;

"And they were all filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and began to speak with other tongues, as the SPIRIT gave them utterance" ACTS 2v3

You will discover that all you need to access the blessings of the LORD as well as His plans and purpose for your life is the person of the HOLY SPIRIT. It’s not good enough that you access HIS blessings outside HIS plans and purpose route for our lives. And because HE is a person it requires that we build a relationship with HIM the same way we make friends.

In an epistle I wrote some time ago about the father-son relationship I said somebody might just be asking, what is the need for the HOLY SPIRIT in accessing blessings as well as the plans and purpose of GOD for our lives but hear this;
"But you shall receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to ME in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth” Acts 1v8

You will agree with me that the major component needed in any contest of life is Power, for instance you need power to get wealth Deuteronomy 8v18, because power from the science definition is the ability to do work. This you see in manifestation as the timid Peter takes on the podium to preach in Acts 2v14. Man minus power is useless and there is no way he wouldn't malfunction.

From Acts 1v8 you will discover that the access to power is the person of the Holy Spirit.
I have intentionally made my answers to each question brief because I want you to grasp them. Before we see how the Holy Spirit comes, let’s see how to invite His person. Hear this;

"…they were all with one accord in one accord” Acts2v1

This simply means that we must be without doubt in our heart because only a single minded person will get anything from God, James 1v7. The Holy Spirit has different ways of moving but we will be limiting our study to His appearance as a rushing mighty wind. Hence, the atmosphere under which you pray or live determines to a very large extent whether or not you receive answers or not.

One of the facts we must take note of is that the devil and his entourage operates through the wind. For instance, whenever they want to inflict a person, the wind is used as a medium of reaching that person, if not! How possible would it have being to inflict somebody abroad from home? This is an unraveled mystery that the church today as ignored and the devil is taking advantage of.

The wind is a vital force through which you can reach God because His Spirit moves through it. This mystery cannot be over emphasized because just as important as air is to the surviving of man, so also is the place of wind in accessing God and vice-versa.

Conclusively, the wind or air is where you are. It can't be captured. So, wherever the wind is can be accessed by God. There is nobody God cannot touch but He needs you to take notice of Him first then He will reach for you. In other words acknowledge that He is your Help just like the two blind men responded to Jesus’ question in Matthew 9v28;

“…Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord”

And Jesus healed them by their response. Every road block if life is a question mark on your faith. So you must constantly be without fear and faith-full in the ability of God to conquer your circumstance, Mark 5v36. So, all you need to live is at your reach, just use it. The presence of the wind is an assurance of God’s ever abiding presence.

N.B His presence does not mean He will attend to all, He will only attend to those who acknowledged, receive and believe in Him. I said earlier on that everything remains a mystery until it is unraveled through knowledge. You must appreciate His presence. The wind carries change everywhere it goes. Take advantage of the wind to make demands that will not only affect your personal lives but your world as a whole.

Worthy of note is also a fact that the effect of the wind could be in two major ways and it could be either positive or negative. A very good example could be found in 2Kings 5; the wind blew healing on Naaman while it blew leprosy on Gehazi. Also in 2Kings 7v17; the same wind which brought about abundance for a famished people brought death for the Minister for economics. So it is exclusively a matter of choice. What do you want?

Jesus asked blind Bartemeus;

“…What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” Mark 10v51

One would have thought, at least Jesus could see that he was blind. He should know that sight will be most important to him now. But because one man’s meat could be another’s poison. And what is important to you might just be the least on my list of needs so; He had to ask him what he wanted Him to do for him.
Your choice plays a very vital role in the type of wind you command your way. Knowing that your choice will instigate your actions of faith which will eventually deliver the results you were gunning for.


Congratulations, now you can reach for Him and enjoy the wind of change blowing endlessly around you, as available as the wind is, so is He.GOD BLESS YOU.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


One of the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of man today is the idea of running his race by another man’s clock. Apostle Paul said;

“Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receives the prize? So run that ye may obtain” 1Corinthians 9v24

As I listened to a mentor of mine as he shed light of a knotted issue, he made reference to an astounding statement he made in response to someone who was trying to advise him on getting married. He said “I told her that I have my own clock Ma”.

The subject of running our race by others time has wrought so much havoc in the world today than you can ever imagine, especially in the pursuit of wealth and money to be precise. The pursuit of money has driven many to their early graves than it has taken to the ivory towers of life. Little wonder scripture says;

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrow” 1Timothy 6v10

Now, money is good in itself because it answers all things as well as a defence, Ecclesiastes 10v19, 7v12 but the “love” of it is evil. Allowing the pursuit of money to take the place of God makes it evil because you are a servant to the one you are loyal.

However, being carried away by the “prosperity” of others is the idea behind having your own clock. You must understand that you are sent on an assignment different from that of any other you see on this planet earth. Even twins are sent on different assignments with different time targets. That is where the saying “you cannot run faster than your shadow”, trying to surmount these hills of life in any other way than the slow and steady mode will result in running by other person’s clock.

In John 10v1, Jesus said if you go by any other way than the one that has been marked out for you, you are a thief.  Unfortunately the vision and mission of the thief is to steal, kill and destroy, John 10v10.

Furthermore, the house of the thief will eventually be destroyed and completely wiped out, Zachariah 5v4.

Many today are in the stead of thieves by virtue of what they do and how they go about it. You cannot bear your cross and still be able to look in too many directions. Many are able to look in too many directions and get carried away by odds because they aren’t bearing their cross but helping others bear theirs as it were.

Having your own clock is accompanied by so many benefits;
*Focus-it helps you to be focused and steady in whatever you are doing which in-turn increases your efficiency.
*It brings about progress
*It eliminates confusion and destroys ignorance, Hosea 4v6
*It is the pathway to honor and dignity, Proverbs 29v18
*It generates confidence, Hebrew 10v33-36
*It leads to fulfillment in life
*Vision guarantees long life
*It makes you to gain speed in life
*It keeps you in center of God
*You will elude being victims of horrible circumstances and situations.

Conclusively, don’t be carried away by other persons accomplishment; don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself with others; run your own race at your own pace which is God’s word as revealed to you and you will get to those junctions where you could have envied others in time past just at the right time, Ecclesiastes 3v1-8.

However, if you will ever accomplish any meaningful feat in life, you’ve got to have your own clock by which you run the race that has been marked out for you. No athlete runs his race by his own time, no! You are guided by the referee’s time so; you can’t afford to rest, slow down or even stop to pity fallen fellow athletes. Life will only deliver it’s best to you on the ground that you have your own clock and much more, that you are running by it. 

It is time to make progress!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Briefly I will be sharing with you one simple truth I believe is still very much lacking in the body of Christ and I mean in the lives of some of us today.
You will agree with me that eagles are ordained to soar high; they don't need to be told neither do they need to be schooled because it is inherent. You will also agree with me that you don't need to go to school for you to catch your mothers tongue, you were naturally born with it. In the same vein, we are born with the potentials of stars inbuilt.
I will be sharing with you the qualities of stars while you look out for these qualities in life and as you behold them closely you become what you see. The Bible says that those who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploit, Daniel 11v32b. Also, your understanding of any kingdom matter determines what you make out of it. For instance, the same teacher taught both the first and pass class students. It is their individual commitments and understanding that classifies them.

Now let’s see few of the multi-features of stars;
-they see God at the root of every exploit or achievements
-they are always preferred to others

-their words are as the words of gods/kings, highly respected
-their counsels are heeded to with speed
-you need to look up to see stars because they are always at the top so, you don't see stars roaming around
-they glow in the darkest of all situation
-they are potential leaders even as children
-they rule the world
-stars never die, long after they have left the world, they are as bright as ever in minds
-they give light to others, helping them to reach destiny, also to explore their potentials
-they impact the lives of others
-because of where they stand, they see farther than others
-they see what others can't see
-they are securities/assets/addition to their generation
-stars even differ from stars in splendour because while one discovers himself the other lives in the gutters
-they are always bold, never timid
-they are ever excited
-they are creators, inventors, genius
-they never give-up so they triumph
-they live long

Friends, I can go on and on but until you see these qualities inherent in you, you are never a candidate of its manifestation. You are born a star not by qualifications or nationalization but by naturalization. God put it in you when He was creating you so discover it by just knowing that it is in you then act it.


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his frien" John 15v13. Also, 1John 4v8 goes on to say that "He that loveth not knoweth not God,for God is love".

A beautiful friend of mine shared with me the ordeal of a young chorister whose "fiance" has being demanding sex from her having being in a relationship for about two years. Their relationship began to sag because she has chosen to keep herself. However, my friend was able to give her a costly piece of advice. And I will be using her thoughts in crowing this message to you.

Love is of God. They are inseparable from each other. There are no strings attached. This must reflect in every facet of life mostly in our relationships. You must be able to inculcate the love of Christ when dealing with your spouse or proposed spouse and by this you will have nothing less than a blissful home.

Furthermore, many are facing terrible times in their marriage, business, carrier, ministries etc because they walked out of love. If you'll have to dissolve a relationship make sure you are not on the faulty side.

Hence,never walk out of love: for when you do, you walk out of Christ because Christ is love. When you walk out on love;

1. You walk into ill-health
2. You walk into death
3. You walk into poverty
4. You walk into confusion
5. You walk into blindness
6. You walk into misery
7. You walk into stagnation

Just to mention a few of the consequencies of walking out of love. Christ and love are inseparable as I affirmed earlier. The love of Christ is attached to nothing. Christ isn't a symbol but an in-you which is no other than love expressing Himself in all ramification of your life.

Conclusively,you can get back on the track of success in your marriage,business,carrier,ministry etc by simply getting back on the track of love because our second theme text makes it clear that you can't but be in love:its our nature both as children of God and Believers. Repent and ask for forgiveness for walking out on Love and the tide will turn for you. Shalom!

Good morning.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Isaiah 9v6-7 says: for a child is born to us,a son is given. The government will rest on his shoulders...

Children are born but sons are given. Children of God are sons by reason of acceptance of the gift of salvation, John 1v12. Those who are born again are new born kings according to Revelation 1v6. Why are these new born kings being sort? Because they:

1. Shoulder the government
2. Are wonder-full
3. Counselors you can count on for advice
4. Are mighty gods being God's offspring
5. Are Princes of Peace
6. Rule in fairness and justice
7. Passionate about God their Father

Just to mention a few of why these new born kings are sort earnestly. Ezekiel 22v30 says they are needed to stand in the gap for others and also build the wall of righteousness paraphrased. Moreso, Romans 8v19 says that all creation awaits their manifestation paraphrased.

Conclusively, are you born again? Then you are the new born king being sort by God to ease the world of her stress and hardship. Make yourself available for His service, winning others into the kingdom that has been committed to your care that you may occupy till His return.


Sunday, 17 February 2013


I was astonished as I heard these three words escape the mouth of a Divine treasure in my custody; she said "Holiness isn't boring" and I thought good that I relate it to You, yes You!

Contrary to the opinion and views of many today,holiness isn't boring neither is it tiresome or tasking. Holiness is exiting.

Today,inculcated into the entertainment industry is comedy which pulls the crowd in single gatherings. However, Jesus is one man that has and always pull the largest crowd in single meetings. Those of you who attends the RCCG meetings in Nigeria and many others around the world can bear me witness.

In John 6v2, Jesus was said to have being followed by a multitude such that the women and children couldn't be numbered save the men.

Hence, Jesus Christ is our model of holiness; His account as recorded in the first four gospels of the new testament testifies to this assertion. And because Goodness and Mercy are associates of holiness, Jesus did good everywhere He went which in turn became His magnet of attention, Acts 10v38.

We can therefore deduce that Holiness being associate with Goodness and Mercy (the custodian of blessings) is a magnet of attention which makes life worth living. To be holy:

1. Be born-again,John 3v3
2. Study God's word day and night,Joshua 1v8
3. Pray without ceasing,Luke 18v1

As you do these,you will be changed from glory to glory until you become just as He is. Finally, holiness is not something you strive to achieve in a day but by practice as you journey through life;it is therefore a lifestyle and a journey. And you will agree with me that God Himself doesn't like loneliness, Genesis 2v18 so, the journey of life is most enjoyable in the custody of people.

Good morning and happy Sunday!

Saturday, 16 February 2013


In Luke 15 we read the account of the prodigal son who having spent his inheritance recklessly was said to have come back to his senses and found his way back to his father to seek his forgiveness.

I have some inspiring thoughts from that account:

1. A life without Christ is one full of crises

2. It is insanity to live outside the boarder of Christ

3. Without the blessings of the Lord according to Proverb 10v22 you will feed on pig pods

Furthermore, I have a few more thoughts why you just have to find your way back to Christ and this goes to those of you who have lost hope one way or the other:

1. Once you can locate Christ, you automatically locate divine health, Isaiah 53v5

2. Once you find Him, your toiling will seize, Luke 5v1-11

3. Once you can lay hold of Him, protracted issues will give way, Matt 9v20-23

4. Once you are able to locate Him,your sight(vision) will be restored, Mark 10v46-52

5. Once you find Him, shame will give way, John 2v1-12

Just to mention a few, now I don't care what situation it is that you have lost hope hitherto; the doctors have given up on you or your relative? Your creditor are on you neck etc, I assure you once you find Him you are settled.

Conclusively, the God of Elisha is here now but despite His ability to settle you without being questioned He still needs your invitation, He said in 2Chronicles 7v14 "If my people which are called by,shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sins and will heal their land".

It could be this simple, humble yourself (repent of sins), pray and seek His face (meditate on His word) and a proof of the above is that you turn away from your sinful ways then He will hear you, forgive your sins and finally settle your petition.

Congratulations, good morning and happy weekend!


"For I am the LORD, I change not: therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed" Malachi 3v6.

As I took time off to meditate as well as plead my cases the Holy Spirit filtered into my heart how much I must be endlessly grateful to Him.

He said to me "Despite all the odds, ups and downs, boisterous water, even fire you seem to have gone through, you are still standing. Courtesy My Grace".

Just as I set out to make a post He replayed the above and our opening text as a back-up for YOU! Praise God.

For as long as you still have the word of God coming to you like this, it simply means you are still within His coverage. God wants you to thank Him henceforth until you forget when last you asked Him to give you anything. As you thank Him, your unvoiced desires will sort themselves. This is the secret of;

1. Ever being in God's presence because David said to enter His presence with thanksgiving

2. Your needs ever being met with little or no input from you: effortlessly.

Friends, you are alive today in whatever state because God never changes. Start thanking God now and see things take shape around you.

Good morning and have a splendid weekend!

Thursday, 14 February 2013


John 15v3 says; "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you". 

It is important that bonafide children of God have regular shower in the word. Unlike the usual bath,you are admonished to have series of shower in the word daily, Joshua 1v8.

Hence you will agree with me that if a man or woman refuses to have his or her shower daily, he or she will develop offensive odour which will put people away from him or her.

In the same vein,you will develop offensive odour that will put away Divine Personalities from if you don't have regular shower in the word which is able to cleanse you and you know what that means.

Conclusively,many look good today even believers but have offensive odour because of their negligence or irregular shower in God's word. You might just have been the one keeping your helpers away up till now;get into the word like a pool and start bathing; very soon Heaven will pay you visits.

Note: Folks be careful the way you celebrate your Val,make sure you don't mar your destiny. A WORD IS ENOUGH 4 D WISE.

Good morning and Happy Valentine!