they say leaves more indelible scares on one than the whip does. Why will
ordinary invisible words leave indelible scares, if not that it has an impact?
As I read a compilation of messages by an old time faith-full man of blessed
memories, I had this subject impressed on my mind. And I couldn’t help writing
a few lines which will bring about a tremendous revival in your life.
man needs a revival at intervals so as not to be out dated on kingdom issues
because scriptures say that we still do not know what we will look like but if
we continues in His path we will look like Him when He appears, 1John 3v2. This
is to say that it is impossible for any man to have the whole picture of God in
a life time. If we follow in His stead, we are certain we will be like Him when
He appears.
scientific laboratory is a place where words (Theory) are translated into
pictures (Practical) for a better understanding. In other words a message
cannot be successfully delivered if the picture it prints isn’t clear. However
the film and entertainment industry uses this technique to fulfill their
the same vein, scriptures are scripts implying pictures. God is the best
Producer, Writer, Director, Artist etc as we might have them in the
entertainment industry. I am not surprised that the devil has taken over the
media, doing his best to impress pictures on the minds of people which life in
turn prints out for them.
John 1v14, we read;
“And the Word was made flesh...”
are interesting words that need to be taken to heart. Don’t allow them slip
away. They are your life in summary. Words are invisible but are processed into
substances as soon as the message is being understood by the receiver. When you
tell someone something, that person doesn’t see the words you use in expressing
yourself but generates’ pictures from what is being said.
is where meditating come in. The place of meditation in laying a hold on our
inheritance in Christ Jesus cannot be overemphasized because Joshua 1v8 says
that it is the only medium through which good success could be achieved.
used parables in driving home most of the points He made. However they are
parables to those who are not able to generate pictures from them through
quality meditation with the help of the Holy Spirit. But to them who take their
time to ask questions like His disciples did, it is light, bread, life etc,
Luke 8v10.
word of God is a raw material that wouldn’t deliver your expectations until it
has being properly processed into faith. From our opening scripture we read
that God’s word was processed into flesh (Faith) through a process called
meditation. This gives the word or faith a form or shape. It now possesses all
the qualities of a substance. Hence Hebrew 11v1 defines faith thus;
faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, EVIDENCE of things not seen”
the scripture above we see two qualities of a substance and they are;
is handy
is visible
is where so many fail and fall in the journey of faith. They ask “how can my
faith become a substance?” it is simple! In Mark 2v1-12 a paralytic man was
smuggled into a house where Jesus was ministering for him to have a touch. But
in the fifth verse, scripture says Jesus saw their faith. Did they come with
anything other than the sick man? No! But the way they came in showed that they
believed Jesus could heal the man.
can therefore conclude that faith is action taken in response to God’s word or
testimonies. The man was brought in through the roof because all doors/windows
were blocked. Some would make that their excuse for turning back. God says He
has no pleasure or interest in anyone who turns back, Hebrew 10v38. You’ve got
to press on. Your healing is in the press. The woman with the issue of blood
had spent all she had but her predicament only grew worse. Now that she had no
money left, she could have easily given up faith but she went in the press
haven heard testimonies of what Jesus can do without paying a penny.
might just have dabbed into your situation. In other words everything I have
been inspired to write to you precisely. Relax, your case is settled! Only
believe. God has not asked you for too much, just believe. You have heard Him
do so many things. Believe those things you have heard Him do, read more about
Him in the bible. Spend quality time meditating on Him ability to do the
impossible and anything.
me to say that you are nowhere close to your expectations until the word of God
or His testimonies have been processed into faith gearing you to speak
positively into your situation like the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15v22-28.
God’s word is directly consumed by Angels but it must be converted to faith
before we can spend it as a legal tender on earth. Finally just like we can’t
spend Dollars in Nigeria unless it is being changed in the same vein, have His
word made flesh in you and your expectations will be delivered expressly, John
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