I was astonished as I heard these three words escape the mouth of a Divine treasure in my custody; she said "Holiness isn't boring" and I thought good that I relate it to You, yes You!
Contrary to the opinion and views of many today,holiness isn't boring neither is it tiresome or tasking. Holiness is exiting.
Today,inculcated into the entertainment industry is comedy which pulls the crowd in single gatherings. However, Jesus is one man that has and always pull the largest crowd in single meetings. Those of you who attends the RCCG meetings in Nigeria and many others around the world can bear me witness.
In John 6v2, Jesus was said to have being followed by a multitude such that the women and children couldn't be numbered save the men.
Hence, Jesus Christ is our model of holiness; His account as recorded in the first four gospels of the new testament testifies to this assertion. And because Goodness and Mercy are associates of holiness, Jesus did good everywhere He went which in turn became His magnet of attention, Acts 10v38.
We can therefore deduce that Holiness being associate with Goodness and Mercy (the custodian of blessings) is a magnet of attention which makes life worth living. To be holy:
1. Be born-again,John 3v3
2. Study God's word day and night,Joshua 1v8
3. Pray without ceasing,Luke 18v1
As you do these,you will be changed from glory to glory until you become just as He is. Finally, holiness is not something you strive to achieve in a day but by practice as you journey through life;it is therefore a lifestyle and a journey. And you will agree with me that God Himself doesn't like loneliness, Genesis 2v18 so, the journey of life is most enjoyable in the custody of people.
Good morning and happy Sunday!
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