
Tuesday, 10 April 2018


Most people have restricted the persons of angels to invisible beings and for those who believe they are visible ones in a blue moon; they believe angels are giant which is quite true. For instance Rev 21:17 says;

“And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel”

From the above scripture we have the average height of an angel to be 144 Cubits i.e. about 8,064cm or 80.64m. That, you will agree with me is a height indeed. In another instance, a sister gave a testimony of how the 747-aircraft in which she was travelling at a time developed fault while Boeing and of course pandemonium exactly describes the situation on the plane the moment it was announced that there was a fault and crash-landing was the only way out. She took a glance at the window and she saw an angel smiling at her as he held the plane in the palm of his hand, this of course gave her peace.

In this very short epistle the message I am communicating is that your angels most times take up the form of man and this we can ascertain by the characteristics of angels and possibly their position.

God transforms our angels into leaders. In other words, they appear in form of leaders in our market place of life. That person ahead of you in your office, church, marriage, carrier etc is your angel. You call them by different names such as Mentors, Directors, Managers, Shepherds, Role Models etc. To drive down this point, Exodus 23:22 says:

“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared”

Now, this point en-capsules others because it gives us in summary who an angel is in relation to man. From this we are able to deduce that;
-angels are ahead of us in other words, they are leaders i.e. people who have either been or on the way to your destination.
-angels are keepers. You shouldn’t find it hard agreeing with me that Police men/women are angel too. Your parents are your angels. Your Pastor is your angel etc. By the time you do your arithmetic of who your angels really are, you will agree with scriptures that you have an innumerable number of them around you pa time.
-angels know where you both ought to be and where you are going. They know what’s ahead so, they try stopping you. Sometimes thugs could even be your angel put in place to stop or prevent you from an impending accident. You remember Balaam’s ass in Numbers 22:27-28 how it suddenly stopped as Balaam travelled with it so as to prevent Balaam from being killed. In verse 33, the death confirmed that Balaam would have been a dead man save that his ass turned away. In the same vein, your car could turn away from death by developing a fault.

By these and many more you can get to know your angels when they put on animate or inanimate forms but there is something more.

You need to be very sensitive to catch this signal. That boss of yours that you don’t like because of the way he either talks to you or despitefully uses you is your angel and he is only doing his work. Your Pastor seems to be strict so you have decided to work your transfer, don’t run away from your angel. Don’t run away from home, your parents or guardian are your angels etc. Remember what David said in Psalm 23:4b;

“...thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”

All the tortures as it were that you are getting now is for your future comforts so, don’t despise it. To guide you to your angel, I have served as your angel. You go and serve as someone else’ angel by sharing this piece with him/her. However, watch out for evil angels. How do you know them? Simply by their mission and belief.

"The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy..." John 10:10
 Also their belief system;  
 "...believe not every spirit, but try the spirit whether they be of God...every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God..." 1John 4:1-3.
God bless you!

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