YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD'S WORD- This is a vital force used in binding the devil
and silencing him permanently. JESUS CHRIST displayed the efficacy of this force
in Matthew 4 when he was being tempted by this same devil, He said in one of
HIS responses;
“…it is
written; man shall not leave by bread alone but by every WORD that proceeds out
of the mouth of GOD” Matthew 4v4
have your living in what is written and nothing more. So if you don’t know what
is written you are stalled, you will freeze at the slightest roar of the devil.
There is no doubt that JESUS had a full knowledge of the efficacy of the WORD
because HE kept saying “it is written”. Where is it written? In the WORD! But
you have to take a step further to have the word engraved on your heart where
they can’t be erased forever, Deuteronomy 6v6, Jeremiah 31v33.
if we Christian will embrace this weapon, we will free ourselves from many
challenges and all the harassments of the devil for the Bible say;
“…then the
devil left HIM…” Matthew 4v11.
is no way you will attack the devil with the WORD that he will not leave you alone, though for
a while during which you are not to relent in increasing your knowledge of the
WORD because he will always come back to check if, Matthew 12v43-45
“…and those that know their GOD shall be strong…” Daniel 11v32
is the exclusive reserve of those who gather knowledge from the word of God.
Hence strength is a product of your knowledge of the WORD. Hence knowledge is
the strength you require to knockout the devil from your life.
“…and the knowledge of the HOLY ONE is understanding…” Proverbs 9v10
depth of your understanding or knowledge of the HOLY ONE as well as HIS WORD is
what determines the distance the devil keeps from you. So embrace the WORD with
all your heart because there lays your strength to defeat the devil.
“...the joy of the LORD is
my STRENGTH…” Nehemiah 8v10
will agree with me that all you need to bind the devil have there root in
STRENGHT. Nehemiah 8v10 has been misinterpreted up till today as the joy of the
LORD being ones strength as it were, no! It is God’s joy that we are full of
strength also according to 3John 2. God is never happy with our being
discomforted and that is why Jesus came in the first place.
when His joy finds expression in us through strength in our inner being all
else gives way. It doesn’t matter what you feel in your body, it is only the
effect of the roaring of the devil waiting for your response in form of
diagnosing its meaning and giving it a name because names are points of
man feels somehow in is body and goes to see a doctor, he eventually comes back
with a name after being diagnosed. Friends the body is bound to respond or
react to stress or age, but it will only take you a little rest, applying of
the anointing oil, a short prayer and laying of hand to make you and get you
back on your feet.
“Therefore with joy shall ye draw waters out of the
wells of salvation” Isaiah 12v3
Prophet Isaiah’s view digs deeper into the subject of joy and describes it as
being a ridge for mining the blessings of salvation. Treasures are found in
depths and not on surfaces so you need a ridge to access them.
I don’t know what has been hindered from your reach, be it your health, finance,
peaceful marriage etc RECEIVE THEM BACK NOW IN JESUS NAME, AMEN! Just be happy,
rejoice, why? The Bible says that
“…yet in all these things we are more than conquerors
through HIM who loved us…” Romans
all, we are not just conquerors but more than conquerors. Rejoice!
Rejoice!! Rejoice!!! The devil is by
nature an enemy of happiness, good things etc and that’s why he gets at
anything to truncate your joy. He is not happy that you’re reading this epistle
now because he knows that it puts you above him the more. Never allow your joy
gauge to rest on red!
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