
Saturday, 2 March 2013


Good day, still on the concept of words:


How far you will go in life is essentially a produce of how much word you are made of. Moses in admonishing Joshua delivers to him an ever winning instruction from God;

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate there in day and night, that thou may observe to do according to all that is written there in, for then thou shall make thy ways prosperous and have good success” Joshua 1v8

You can’t take giant strides in life without the Word on your side. In other words how far you will go in life will be determined by how much of the law is in your mouth. He says; 

“this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate there in day and night...” 

In other words, when you are asleep is your only free period. You must go everywhere declaring that which you have ingested from the law. King Solomon says that the one who piles up knowledge is wise, Proverbs 10v14; what knowledge? The word of course!

Joshua 1v8 goes further to affirm that the results of the word isn’t comparable to what the world calls success, it describes ours as good success, glory!


The words that exude your mouth are spirits capable of marring or making lives. Spirits could be very powerful. When you talk to someone, before that person can affirm that he/she understands you, that person must have seen the pictures formed by your words in his/her mind. If words are spirit then it wouldn’t be difficult penetrating anything. They can pass through, never are they barred because they will always find their way, Hebrew 4v12.

“...piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow...”

They operate unhindered. However, Jesus said the words He passed unto us are spirits and life, John 6v63. Hence no spirit can independently operate on earth without a vessel, body or temple, Acts 16v16. That’s why you must take proper care of yourself, properly scrutinizing which spirit you accommodate per time.

Furthermore scripture says that words become flesh and dwell among men, John 1v14. That is why you see some enjoying kingdom benefits and others in the same environ suffering. It is only those that have the word of God in them that have access to kingdom benefits.


Your words can’t go without bringing back results. Whether good or bad depending on the demands you make by your words. Proverbs 18v21 says that your tongue is a custodian of the power of life and death. Is it not the same tongue that confirms something as sweet that condemns the other as bitter? That’s a simple arithmetic. If life and death is power then it is wise to take advantage of these resources at our disposal. Our tongue is powerful.

Isaiah 55v11 confirms that God’s word through you is bound to bring results. That’s why I want to rejoice with those of you who have received one word or the other from God in the past because as you review them from now, they will begin to produce their results. Word have in-built power for manifestation such that once they escape out of your mouth they bring back results.

Go meditate on these and we will continue from here tomorrow by God's grace. Regards. 

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