
Monday, 18 March 2013


Good to be with you again. I will like you to know that it is God's grace that has kept you therefore, be grateful to God. I have thoughts from God for your well being;

In an ancient event, our LORD JESUS had just finished preaching and HE thought it will be good for those on the other side of the river to benefit from the message HE preached then He said to His disciple, "let us cross over to the other side of the river". HE entered a ship in the company of other small boats and went straight to the lower deck to rest before arriving to preach on the other side of the river.

They started sailing but as they sailed, a storm arose, it was so terrible that water began to enter into the ship and that big thing was being tossed around on the sea like a piece of paper. The captain of the ship tried all they knew about sailing and controlling the ship amidst storm but all their sailing philosophies proved abortive, then they remembered that the miracle worker is sleeping in the lower deck. They sent for HIM, and HE came up just stretched out HIS hand and said “peace be still” immediately the storm ceased. See Mark 4:35-40 

We are to learn a few lessons from this real life story;

Firstly, let us know that with JESUS in our boats does not automatically expel the storms of life. In other words, that you are a Christian doesn’t separate you from the trouble attempts of the enemies but the good news is that you will not be overpowered by their raging storm. The bible says that we are more than conquerors, Romans 8v37 and acknowledging the presence of JESUS in your boat is the secret to your victory over any form of storm in life.

Secondly, that the storm is allowed by GOD to make you and strengthen you. The bible says count it all joy when you go through divers trials and temptation, James 1v2 it is all to prove you. Gold comes impure but it is it’s proving through the fire that makes the expensive commodity called gold. So will you be if you allow the storm to do its job, you will come out expensive and shining.

I will continue from here tomorrow. Go and be a blessing to your world by sharing these thoughts with everyone in your sphere of contact. Be good.

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